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Everything posted by Casper

  1. The Android and iOS apps have been updated, and they're pretty freaking slick. Most of the bugs are fixed. So, I'm comfortable moving forward with this if you all are. I guess the easiest way (and without fees) would be checks. They can be written and mailed to: Ohio Riders PO Box 553 Pickerington, OH 43147 In the memo line, be sure to put your screen name and the word "app" so I know what it's for. It is a several week turnaround on this with waiting for design, then waiting for approval by Apple. I don't believe the Android app requires approval, so that one will probably be up quicker. This app does require us to upgrade to vB4, but as I've mentioned before, we have to. vB3.8 is at EOL (end of life) and is no longer supported. I'll make plans to get that ball rolling so we can start using the apps as soon as we can. Seriously, thank you all. I can't believe how fast people stepped up to get this going. It's just amazing.
  2. CR has meets? You mean to tell me people drive their cars to a parking lot and talk to each other in person instead of on the interwebs?? http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu274/Monkey_Tangent/no-wai.jpg
  3. I bet it was a bunch of law-abiding citizens with CHL's.
  4. Casper

    The Last Supper

    Sure does Brian.
  5. So funny fact for the day. Just had a new member sign up. In the box asking how they heard about Ohio Riders, they said this thread. So I Googled "powder room breakin-in". Sure enough, two links to NBC4, one to Glock Talk, and then us. Our link is higher than 10tv, channel 6, Ohio CCW, etc. How's that for freaking hilarious?
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