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Everything posted by Casper

  1. Can you take screenshots and show me what you're talking about? I'd be happy to fix it.
  2. Casper

    FS: CZ 100 .40

    Looks just like that one. Comes with a couple white boxes, a half box of self defense rounds, and anything else I have laying around for it. $450 obo
  3. I've just been busy with work. Nothing like 30TB of data ingestion per day to make you reevaluate what you do for a living.
  4. I can do that if people want. The three days thing is probably because of the issues which IPB just fixed. As time went on and people left things unread from long periods of time, the recent posts got slower and slower. So limiting it to 3 days would fix that issue. IPB just fixed it in the latest release (supposedly). But if people want it a specific way that the majority can agree on, I'd be more than happy to set it up.
  5. A software update may have changed that. Not sure about custom layouts. Can you be more descriptive?
  6. If we weren't also downsizing right now I'd be all over this.
  7. Interestingly these are supposed to be the educated voters.
  8. That term is being used to describe white people in the US? An idiot came up with this acronym. First, all Anglo-Saxons were white. Saying "white Anglo-Saxons" is like saying "cold ice". No shit. Also, they were in Britain, not here. You could say many in the US are descendants of Anglo-Saxons, but that's about it.
  9. Nope, perfect answers. Now or in the past is fine. Both if you're high is fine also.
  10. Just as the title says. If you could change one thing about America, what would it be?
  11. All I see is this, which says Hillary still won the popular vote: http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/09/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-popular-vote/index.html
  12. I'm going to laugh my ass off...
  13. But you got a pool table! That's cool!
  14. Don't do it. I miss every bike I've ever sold.
  15. I thought you were referencing the 3% dip we saw when it looked like Trump was the president elect. My point was that the dips after an election don't mean anything. My bad.
  16. Isn't that what I'm saying? Wait until after Trump's term to determine how he has done, and that what the markets do at the beginning doesn't mean anything. Or did I misunderstand your point? What was your point?
  17. It dropped 20% after he was elected the first time, so.... http://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-how-the-stock-market-performs-from-election-day-through-inauguration-day-2016-11-08
  18. Same as every year. Just say you're coming down with a group, Ohio Riders.
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