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Everything posted by Casper

  1. https://facebook.com/events/812994112133744
  2. Don't you have 30 days to transfer the plates and insure it (providing you already have insurance)? I've always heard that, never verified it though.
  3. I love working from home. Throw in some travel to go onsite with a customer, and you have a great work environment.
  4. Close. Pegs. Now turn it into a verb and you get...
  5. I like the Indians. Browns died when they moved to Baltimore. It has never been the same since.
  6. I travel more than the average Joe as well and can tell you there are Steelers bars everywhere also. Hell, there's a website for that: http://steelersbars.com
  7. Can't argue with you there. I'd say Bengals fans are a close fourth. Third would be NASCAR fans.
  8. Only fans worse than Steelers fan are Browns fans.
  9. And for temp phone, I have a few laying around if you want to come bum one for a couple weeks.
  10. My old iPhone 3GS took a swim in a pool with me. Phone lasted another year before the battery stopped holding a charge. Take it apart (warranty is voided anyways by the water). Soak up any water you see. Set it in front of a fan or dehumidifier if you have one. Wait as long as possible before turning it on. I've heard 24hrs. I waited like 12.
  11. Same here. Haven't had an OR shoot in a long time.
  12. Yeah, because so much conversation on OR revolves around motorcycling...
  14. Casper


    I passed it on to few folks I know.
  15. Would be a lot funnier with Clinton (either of them).
  16. https://swimswam.com/problem-rio-pool/
  17. Didn't I just very clearly state that nobody is scared of you? Troll away. Name calling is more than acceptable here. It's almost a requirement.
  18. And on a side note, this finch is freaking me out. He's chilling outside my office window, tapping on the glass like he wants in.
  19. I don't know what my legal liability is to report threats. Hence the, I'd have to ask the lawyer. This is an LLC. I like it. I don't want some asshats to get into a fight, then one of them try to sue me because I didn't report it. Lawyers to protect my ass. Not lawyers to do anything to you. Get it? Very simple to understand. Defend away. Nobody's swinging unless you swing first. These fucksticks you're arguing with are good people. You're probably good people. No idea. Don't really care all that much. Nobody's scared of you, dude. Sorry, you're just not scary. I personally have found most of this shit comical. In fact, in the mods/admins section, I even posted several days ago that I hope you stick around because this shit's been entertaining. You're welcome for the post restore. Fucking newb moderators doing stupid shit.
  20. These tick tocks better be a countdown to a group hug. Any threats of violence gets the ban hammer, and may have to be reported to authorities. I'd have to check with the lawyer to find out what my responsibility there is. Just a heads up. And remember, there are now a few thousand witnesses who can verify any physical actions you take were planned. I'm staying out of this shit show as much as possible, but threats will be nixed asap. PSA over. Stayed tuned for your regularly scheduled shit show.
  21. Should be fixed. Had to update the db records directly. @Isaac's Papa don't do that again.
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