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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. Um checks screen name, looks at contents of post, I'm skeered.
  2. Nope, I drink rarely, and if I do it's 1 or maybe 2 beers. Maybe once a year. Last beer I had was Great Lakes Christmas Ale, I just wanted to see what the hype was about. I was really disappointed.
  3. You going door to door, you are active right? Better yet will you stand on your father's doorstep and demand his guns for the federal government?
  4. http://img.tapatalk.com/d/12/11/08/4yme4yru.jpg
  5. Isn't it too late now?
  6. Anthony is Jewish, everything has a price.
  7. That figure is people ACTIVELY receiving unemployment. So if your benefits run out, you are no longer counted. So when it reported that it drops to whatever percent, that doesn't mean that all those people won jobs, it may mean most ran out of time. SMH The article I read somewhere really says I think (off the top of my head) was 40% of adults in America are unemployed. That figure is college kids, day traders, mitt Romeys of America, Housewives/husbands, Retirees, Drug dealers, lazy fucks, people fired/layed off, hippies.... You get the idea I hope.
  8. Both, it happens more than you think. People are stupid and still think you should get antibiotics for viral infections they don't understand what antibiotics are for.
  9. So it's ok for a doctor to provide less quality work because he/she is being paid less? So it's ok for valvoline to forget to screw in your drain plug after an oil change, because they are not the Dealer? I get why Kirk is Mad, he realizes that his profession is taking a pay cut. It has to, gone are the days of Physicians driving a different GT2 turbo to work every day. They can't just bill a ins company 10k for surgery anymore because the consumer has to afford it too now. Then you could argue well doctors will not take government health care. Good luck operating on the 1%ers a couple times in your life. Or billing people who don't have the money and having them declare bankruptcy and still not get paid while the doctor stiffs the lawyer and then files bankruptcy on them. Sounds like a great business model.... Or guess what there are doctors graduating college every semester willing to get started working and earning money even if it's in the lower pay of today's current trend. So yes provide a good service and take a cut, that is what the rest of Americans have done this millennia. Suck it up, my worlds tiniest violin is playing for doctors everywhere. I question some doctors anyway, I have friends that are doctors, and the ONLY reason they went to med school is to be rich. They hate their work, but have the best of everything. Never would I let them treat my kid or family. They are still friends. Not sayin' all my doctors are bleeding heart liberals and work for free and are the best. But you can usually tell the ones that are into their jobs and generally love medicine. My wife is in the Medical profession and holy shit she'd do it for free as a hobby. I'm ok with the first kind I mentioned never going to med school now. There are many teachers out there practicing their profession, going to school, all knowing they will not be paid shit, but do so because they want to enjoy their work. And they are good teachers, the problem with education in this country is parents. Before someone says education sucks in this country.
  10. Can you do anything about it aside from becoming Lee Harvey Oswald?
  11. Good advice here, forgot all about stool softeners. LOL I have a story that I refuse to tell and will take to the grave with me about that topic.
  12. I'm of the opposite opinion, if it happens the entire country is on notice of who's fault it is. Everyone knows Congress is responsible for this. They want to keep their jobs and perks. No way Congress doesn't get this done. It's too clear now that everyone is sick of party lines.
  13. I was just speaking in general to the public about new health care, the public has a hard time seeing the benefits because it takes effort now, the big deal with HSAs is now you are really invested with your health care, you are paying the bill, not signing a paper handing over a Jackson and sayin thanks!
  14. LOL, Careful with that pic it might make a few males here have penis envy.
  15. Maybe or maybe not, can we wait for those decisions to be made first before bitching? Maybe the guy makes a radical decision and appoints someone moderate, maybe he doesn't, chances are he will appoint what you are worried about. But fuck can we wait to worry/complain until then?
  16. Crazy how BIG those actually are. Think how small your knee is and they squeeze that shit in there. LOL
  17. Fuck! +1 *sticks hands in pockets and kicks the gravel*
  18. Everyone bitching about new healthcare="dude it sux I can't live a shitty lifestyle and make someone else pay for it." Make some fucking decisions like not smoking, drinking, eating like shit, and guess what? Your fucking health care will not be so expensive, and if you can do a HSA you'll have cash for a rainy day. And if your HSA gets too big over time because you take care of your self "like a boss" take some out of the account, pay some taxes and better your lifestyle with cash not a fucking credit card.
  19. So now maybe people will not go to the fucking ER for the sniffles, now you see that shit is expensive and now just go to fucking Kroger and spend $9 on NyQuil and go the fuck to bed. Instead of sitting in the ER holding up a bed for someone that just broke their fuckin leg that SHOULD be there. This is what new health care is teaching, sux that you just can't get the shit for free and give 0 fucks huh? Reality sux huh? I've chosen to have a HSA for years now, everyone should have one, at least it teaches and mandates you save some fucking money. You know that "responsibility" thing....
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