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Everything posted by SpaceGhost

  1. And you voted for Obama then, LOL See how politics are sneaky.
  2. And they will have to find a different career after they are sued so many times they can't afford to pay for their toys and Malpractice Ins.
  3. +1 Quit buying into marketing.
  4. Worrying about Obamacare now is fucking stupid, Congress better fucking do something about the fiscal cliff. If you don't know what that is about, you shouldn't be complaining at all about Obama or politics. Republican tax cuts about to expire, spending that every republican wants reduced is about to happen, 1trillion over the next 9 years, 1 million jobs are at stake from the canceling of these military contracts. Oh and the Debit ceiling is coming again in Dec. Jan 1 folks, Jan 1. These fuckers in washington better come to the fucking middle, and they should be scared about not getting it done if everyone takes note and remembers who is fucking up. Anyone who cares nothing but their own party lines not this country and it's people. Should be given the boot. This government is far larger than the fucking Potus, start voting every 2 years, get involved in those elections too. Because it seems to me those elections are far more important than the POTUS. Fucking dumb ass American people can't focus on more than 1 position..... If you are bitching, I better see you bitching in 2 years and voting too. Otherwise you are a fucking poser.
  5. Great article for you white males mad about the election. Relax fellas, a Moderate Republican was elected last night. Really give it a read. The Republican's have to be more moderate, the far right cannot win any longer, white males no longer dominate this country, Republican's better learn to play the new game where minorities are not really minorities anymore. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/frame_game/2012/11/obama_the_moderate_republican_what_the_2012_election_should_teach_the_gop.html
  6. LOL, I'm not turning shit in, and the Military peeps and cops I've asked if they were given orders to go door to door to collect guns, they said no" fucking way". They can't destroy/repeal "Obamacare" but you keep posting the 2nd amendment is going away? Seriously? SMFH.
  7. Percocet is hell of a drug.
  8. I'll buy you lunch if someone shows up at my door with any authority the next 4 years to collect the gun they KNOW I own.
  9. Right, because the NRA doesn't push this shit every 4 years as a marketing ploy for membership and industry.
  10. Edit, dammit they took it down. Shit was some funny Chris Rock on how Obama is White.
  11. More shit to pump up gun sales is what I read.
  12. Take note, I'm about to hate on Apple, Apple is dumb and released this, it's clear Jobs is dead, this would have never been released if he was alive. I would never want a smaller iPad, I have an iPhone. This combined with Forstall being forced out of Apple is funny. Dude was Part of NeXT in 96 and came to Apple with Steve. He was hated by a lot of executives and was once so close with Steve it was thought he would be the next CEO. I think he didn't want to to do the iPad mini because Steve hated it. So he was forced out. Sad really. They blamed the timed releases of iOS for his demise and said he should be releasing them when they are ready (Siri, and Maps not quite being done).
  13. Yes because OSU fans born and raised in Columbus do not do the same. :dumb:
  14. $3.50 it's Illinois the worst team in the B1G. Seriously, face value. That's my best offer, since you asked.
  15. Great article! Works on my iPhone5.
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