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Everything posted by owndjoo

  1. that'd be a blast, dont forget the 200 is on the 6th and SX is on the 7th
  2. i wear XL in these, and can fit my skull in a medium Fox MX helmet, it's all about each manufacturer and the shape of each person's head not JUST the size. If anyone wants to try 'em on i'll bring one out. These things are luxorious and I'm def. gonna keep 1 or 2 for myself in the future.
  3. I've got a few Suomy helmets for sale. 1 XL Spec1R Bostrom Tattoo w/black shield-$250 1 XL Spec1R Bellagio -$275 1 XL Extreme Barros- $250 the spec1r's retail for $549 and the Extreme for $649. These are the most comfy helmets I've ever worn and I will always wear Suomy:dj: Barros Bostrom Tattoo Bellagio the Bellagio is in need of a visor cover as i broke one replacing the shield... I can get that before the sale.
  4. for fun... mid-ohio, 1.33.0 Nelson- 1.10.4 Grattan- 1.23 Beaver 1.01 Putnam-1.15(20 laps then BOOM) GSXR 600, pirelli tires times on my SV650 Nelson 1.13 Mid-o 1.40 Grattan- 1.28 Beaver 1.06 Nashville- 1.08
  5. TM's are VERY nice bikes. Basically works bikes from the factory. very trick indeed and pricey as well. When I was racing 85's BITD, the TM was something I always wanted to turn some laps on.... siiiiick
  6. once the salt solution has gone down, i wont ride until it is 45-50 and we've had some good rain on the roads... nothin worse than gettin that shit all over your bike. plus there's usually gravel everywhere
  7. i've always loved the SV's. had one as my first streetbike and raced one to a few championships in my novice season of roadracing. Amazing bikes for how basic they are. The inverted forks aren't really needed, but i've never ridden one with the gixxer front end either... If i start racing again it mite be back on an SV, for simple fun factor,cheapness, and the close racing
  8. yea, i was lappin a 1000cc novice in turn 10b and he decided to go to the pits.... hit bars at about 115 and got tossed off the bike. broke both ends of my Talus in my ankle, along with my calcaneous, and another small fracture. bike kept it's wheels and t-boned the guardrail, supposedly it shot 15ft up into the air as the frame got snapped... the boots saved my ligaments, bones breaking is much better than ligaments/tendons. ended up with a screw through my ankle... but i'm all good and can still dunk a basketball. doc said those boots saved my whole foot, the way i landed would've totally ripped my entire foot off in a shoe, and would've torn my achilles and other soft tissue in my old Oxtars. Pumas are the BOMB
  9. lol, i'm right there with ya guys...
  10. that's a ballin ride you got there brian!! i just built a racebike for the NBL BMX stuff with Micah. He's got a killer Downhill bike he's gonna be racing this year. damn thing's got Shiver forks on it.
  11. not to mention that after being in an accident someone who is high is easily confused as to having a head injury. Now the tests can see how high of levels of the marijuana are in your system. high levels show to a recent usage, along with marijuana being found on the scene. but that is one thing about pot, it is hard to distinguish if you were under the influence at the time. alcohol is real easy.
  12. i've never had a problem with justin, mike or ray over at cycle search. They have been very good to me over the years and are good people. I must admit though, that I have heard a few bad things about this Mitch person, whom I have yet to meet.
  13. lol, i love it when monte yells at the instructors who say "but i've only got slicks" when it rains. those are some classic moments. rain can be fun, if you're on a bike you dont care to crash...
  14. "If you don't race in the rain, then you are not a racer" you pussy!! lol. If i've driven god knows how many hours to an event and it rains, please believe i'm racing! Shit, I ran mid-ohio for an STT trackday. Helps to get that rain setup dialed in:D Ofcourse I would only be at a race if there was money involved....
  15. i just race, so i actually have 4 sets of rims. i usually have rains mounted and a set of slicks and set of dot's. set of takeoffs for practice/trackdays
  16. ok, i've tested this suit quite hard. I personally think there isn't enough armor compared to the safety i feel in my Komodo set. However, I crashed at grattan coming out of 10b at over 115mph and tumbled into the wall. Suit held up fantastically with just some abrasions and smell of burning hide. only injury was a broken heel from the impact. for the price this is an amazing suit and i would use it for street riding and trackdays. however for race conditions i would want a suit with more armor. u can see the suit in my avatar...
  17. Just transferred from the Abercrombie & Fitch warehouse to now being a model at the Easton store. Leave in March for the Air Force as a reservist, haven't picked my job yet. also a full-time student at devry. Busniess Finance
  18. i'm not taken and i looove the crazy ones!! lol
  19. lol, that shit was hilarious... some people just dont get it
  20. haha, remington is seperate for 300. i was jokin with schmuckingham bout trading for his AR.
  21. i love the GSE rifles...yummy
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