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Everything posted by owndjoo

  1. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    not gonna lie, flounder knows his shit. I just chime in with my most basic of knowledge and understanding.
  2. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    accurate? no. look at the size/weight of the bullet and the small amount of powder. .223/5.56 are shooting at over 3kfps, 9mm is around 1200 or so +/-. not to mention the rifle bullet is long and pointed to cut the air. you could prolly get the 9mm out to 200yds, but it's gonna be a hell of a drop and not consistent at all.
  3. owndjoo

    AR Shopping

    the phone call complaint is what made it so they could stop him. they can't just grab you for walking with a gun on your hip.
  4. owndjoo

    AR Shopping

    god i love uneducated people.... first officer couldn't even read the license. I would think that as a leo one would want to actual be educated on the laws that they are enforcing.
  5. owndjoo

    AR Shopping

    aww, yes. it's def. progressed over the years. even with pistols. IDPA or IPSC or USPSA meets with pistol and 3 gun competitions are loaded with custom loads.
  6. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    gotcha, made it sound like you were sayin switchin the upper to 9mm was more accurate. haha.
  7. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    yea, that's what i've heard before, that it is more unit specific. that would be shitty as hell with a full length.
  8. owndjoo

    AR Shopping

    that's weird to hear, pretty much all the Match comp shooting i've seen involves everyone reloading their own secret loads. When it comes to accuracy and consistency, factory loads can't compete
  9. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    better accuracy with a 9mm? no way in hell
  10. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    i know of guys buyin their own shit to put on their guns(ACOGS, PEQ-II, etc.), as well as pickin up stuff. seen a few guys carryin m79's out there. This may be more of a marine issue than army, though. The Beretta pistols are garbage.
  11. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    anyone over there ditchin their m9 for a 1911? i've heard of people doin it, but my cuz (army capt.) said personal stuff is a no no.
  12. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    how you like them m9s??
  13. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

  14. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    many of them run close to the price of a well built AR. looking around the 1k+ mark
  15. owndjoo

    9mm AR15?

    lol, no shit! yes the make ar's in 5.56, 7.62, 6.8, 9mm, 5.45, and .410 shotgun, from what i've seen. the 9mm ar's use normal 9mm handgun ammo, so the range is greatly reduced. fun for plinking and would make a decent home defense weapon.
  16. owndjoo

    AR Shopping

    now i just did a quick check at cabela's, i'm sure better deals are to be had. but for 1000 bullets,brass,primers, and 8lbs of powder it's $434 or .43 per round of 9mm. ofcourse once you fire them off you don't have the cost of the brass, so then it would be around .26 per round with damn good powder set to your specs. so if you load about 1000 rounds then it's pretty much equal in price, but with MUCH better quality and accuracy
  17. owndjoo

    AR Shopping

    rifle stuff for sure. but for 9mm stuff i dont think you can reload cheaper than what they are sellin Blazer for.10.99 for 50. that's about 22 cents a round. however if you want that extra accuracy or just enjoy reloading, have at it.
  18. mac 10 without a foldable stock would technically meet the pistol criteria. although it is classified as a sub machine gun
  19. lol. i was gonna say, funny shit. talk about being prepared
  20. u really carry a class III on u concealed??
  21. used to have a cat that if you made eye contact it would snap and attack you. like crazy attack cat.
  22. wilson combat 1911. not so much for carry, but if i can sneak it when i'm on duty USAF Security Forces, fuck that M9, and when I do IDPA and 3-gun competitions. they run in the $2k+ range, but are amazing shooters and dead reliable.
  23. then tell that to the house of reps... it's all about per capita. truly, per capita is the only way of true equal representation. if there are 5 million people in one county, compared to 500,000 spread over 7 counties.... you can't have all the districts be the same size
  24. i'm lookin at a Wilson more for on duty carry and for 3-gun and idpa comps. if i could only figure out how to make it a write-off
  25. the reason why there is one county for those three areas is due to the immense size of the three C's. Think of the amount of people in Franklin county compared to the rural areas.
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