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Everything posted by John

  1. ive met officer weiner before actually.
  2. times are changing. last time i was in a hospital, they had FIVE channels on a piece of junk TV.
  3. will you throw in the high heels too?
  4. IMO they are here to provide social order and basic security. locke said that without government, people live in the "state of nature". hobbes described the state of nature as "a war of all aganist all" where life is "solitary, nasty, brutish and short" the main problem with the state of nature is there is no protection of your property, your liberty or even your life from anyone else. "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must." hamilton wrote "Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of men will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint.” thomas paine: "Society is produced by our wants, and government by wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher. Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil."
  5. John

    Called it

    MAY sound crazy? MAY? seriously? i dont understand your link either. its highlights of his cairo speech... welcome to three weeks ago people support and advocate a full scale military invasion.. but think that discussion is crossing the line?
  6. John

    Thursday 6/18/09

    so there isnt "an app for that?"
  7. John

    Thursday 6/18/09

    i have a question too. how do you send a picture message?
  8. letter is packed full of rhetoric and more gripes than really exist. its very lacking on any real solutions either how anyone can take glenn beck seriously is beyond me.
  9. im gonna try to make it out tonight. what time do you usually start getting down?
  10. i work till 3. if you still need help then, email me. i live downtown.
  11. yeah i have one of those too. they are nice.
  12. if you want you can email me rogers56@tmo.blackberry.net and we can meet up sometime or whatnot.
  13. the grocery store is like a 2 minute walk from my house. you can just walk over and get it
  14. shit man, bring it over here and some beer and ill bleed the brakes for you
  15. i have the world's most dangerous pee wee track at my parents house.
  16. regarding the fast blinking. you can get a relay that is time based rather than draw based. meaning it will flash every X regardless of draw. are you sure you wired everything correctly?
  17. i always lol when i hear "that movie was so unrealistic... theres no way the space station could have exploded with flames like that. space is a vacuum" nevermind the fact the entire movie consisted of fucking starships and space aliens with ray guns. THATS not unrealistic? but really though... its a movie. its made for entertainment. it doesnt have to be 100% accurate. if it was, it would be a documentary. it was funny to watch that clip though. my guess with the yamaha part would be that they didnt want to/couldnt drill holes or whatever to mount a camera to the kawi. maybe they rented it for the day or some shit? they probably already had a yamaha with a mount already on it, so just used that instead. im gonna guess their budget wasnt HUGE on this movie anyway, probably couldnt afford more than 1 bike lol.
  18. well thats just what i heard them say on the news. and we all know the news never fucks up a story at all
  19. they said on the news that the lady in the back was having breathing/heart troubles and the driver though that the noise of the siren would exacerbate her condition. IMO the lights are a moot point anyway. cops do shit ALL THE TIME with no lights on. why is it ok for them, but not for an ambulance? professionalism went out the window with that guy. he could have EASILY followed them to the hospital and had a chat there. as for being illegal to gesture to a cop... you cant legislate respect.
  20. for some reason people think its boring if you do it in a car
  21. Oh yea I wasn't tryin to say you were. But from the cars perspective it could appear that way as that's when he first sees you. Even though to an outside observer they can see you were just tryin to save ur bacon
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