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Everything posted by John

  1. John

    Clear Rim

    its awesome for a show bike, but it would be a PITA to clean on a street bike IMO
  2. i found it online for like 270 + shipping. what kind of shoei or arai would you recommend? about the graphics, im not really into graphics that much, but im not totally opposed to them either... but more of a solid kinda guy ben, what dont you like about the HJC?
  3. which would you pick? carbon or flat black? or the weight difference is only like 3 ounces between the carbon and the other one, so thats not really that big of a selling point...
  4. what kinda bike is that?
  5. they are the same guys who see you in your car and say they would totally smoke you in their 5 second civic but dont want to run you right now because their clutch is slipping or its too hot for turbos or some other bullshit lol
  6. and if i dont have to work, ill be there
  7. yup. here is a google map http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1955+polaris+parkway,+43240&sll=40.142766,-82.965943&sspn=0.011006,0.020084&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr maybe mr. bret should post that in his weekly thread
  8. John

    bike night

    hmm then maybe i didnt meet you lol. when i was at lodge bar two weeks ago there was a kid on a silver gsxr 1000 that i talked to for a minute. he was with a dude on a 650R, and they were only there like 10 minutes and bounced before the rain came.
  9. John

    bike night

    actually i think it was the week before last... IIRC you came with a dude on a 650r?
  10. John

    bike night

    ohhh yeah i think i met you too. im the dude with the black streetfighter
  11. John

    bike night

  12. i think its like 15 or 20 at iron pony to change the tire? i forget off teh top of my head.
  13. lets try to get it in ohio http://news.motorbiker.org/blogs.nsf/dx/spain-front-row-seats-for-motorcycles.htm españa FTW
  14. i have some icon superduty pants... i dont figure they will do much at all in a crash, but gotta be better than jeans. id feel a lot better if they had some armor in them.
  15. John


    hahaha yeah i lost it when they said that
  16. yeah your fuel filter should catch anything that comes through. id check it when you change your oil or something, and just keep an eye on it, make sure it dont get too nasty.
  17. John

    UFC Ill Will

    sportsbook.com is what my friend uses... i dunno if he uses a credit card or debit or what?
  18. install a fuel filter.
  19. "sir, the reason your computer is running so slow is that you have 79.9 gigs of porno on your 80 gig drive..."
  20. yeah sometimes if my internet starts to slow down, sometimes if i clear my history, temp and cache it makes it a little better.
  21. that vid said the cops didnt know who was driving? gender road is dangerous... that is right near where that cop got killed a couple years ago when someone went left of center and hit her cruiser head on.
  22. sorry man... i thought the more you rev the cooler you are.
  23. thats cool they got the easy rider bike on there.
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