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Everything posted by John

  1. home alone showed exactly how it can happen.
  2. does hollywood knights have anything to do with
  3. here is a video of it http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/north_west/7360871.stm
  4. what is going on here? :fruit: true love???
  5. they do. unless you live in europe. then you get FI to meet e3 standards.
  6. Hughes claimed he couldn't remember the incident, having drunk the better part of a 2 1/2-gallon (10-liter) box of wine beforehand.
  7. in the future we will all wear one piece spandex suits with crotch protectors.
  8. remember when speed channel was called speedvision and they had 2 wheel tuesdays and would show nothing but motorcycle stuff?
  9. in soviet russia, web searches you.
  10. everyone at QSL will be wearing them soon
  11. in the future, one man is the law I AM THE LAW!
  12. yeah i agree. its up to the court to decide if they are guilty of killing a cop or not. but you cant just go out and round up the guys you think are responsible and beat the shit out of them. this isnt the old west. i realize that cops sometimes have to get physical while doing their job. the cops in that video went overboard though.
  13. i was always into cars, not too much into bikes. now i think im going the other way, more into bikes than cars. cars are cool and all, but bikes are where its at IMO.
  14. finally my dreams have come true. http://www.bata.com/us/news/news/news.php?id=577#
  15. John

    Q S & L - 5-14-08

    meet at the shell on polaris parkway east of 71 around 7ish http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=&daddr=40.142542,-82.965167&mra=mi&mrsp=0&sz=18&sll=40.142103,-82.966089&sspn=0.002752,0.005021&ie=UTF8&ll=40.142119,-82.966191&spn=0.002752,0.005021&t=h&z=18
  16. cant we all just get along?
  17. John

    Q S & L - 5-14-08

    it means the same as tosser right?
  18. John


    here is one of my favorites: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=16538989906286833947,39.427000,-81.419910&saddr=Industry+Rd+%4039.427000,+-81.419910&daddr=39.762565,-81.115751&mra=mi&mrsp=1,0&sz=14&sll=39.75689,-81.098242&sspn=0.042361,0.080338&ie=UTF8&ll=39.604101,-81.141586&spn=0.679289,1.2854&z=10
  19. John


    78 is the shit. going west out of mcconnelsville malta. its got that big vista too which is always nice to stop at
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