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Posts posted by John

  1. My "Easy Reader" broke during a simple rear end collision. I didn't hit the car in front of me that hard either. The product was obviously not designed to withstand any major accidents or even allow for the airbag to deploy while attached to the steering wheel.

    I cannot recommend this product to any serious car-reader.

  2. Putting your license in a sealed envelope is honestly something I picked up from another ride.

    Another check to see if you have a visit from Officer Friendly.

    Guess it has been a while since I was carded. ( Be nice to be that young again). Hadn't thought of that issue. You could buy your smokes prior to Saturday morning.

    thats true... honestly i quit smoking. just using it as an example...

    but i have been asked for ID when using a credit card many times. getting gas or lunch or whatnot.

    if someone gets pulled over couldnt they just say "oh i left it at home officer?"

    ive been pulled over without my wallet before, and gave the officer my name, addy and DOB and he ran it in the computer, then told me i had to bring my license to court.

  3. Putting your license in a sealed envelope is honestly something I picked up from another ride.

    Another check to see if you have a visit from Officer Friendly.

    Guess it has been a while since I was carded. ( Be nice to be that young again). Hadn't thought of that issue. You could buy your smokes prior to Saturday morning.

    thats true... honestly i quit smoking. just using it as an example...

    but i have been asked for ID when using a credit card many times. getting gas or lunch or whatnot.

  4. http://faq.ninja250.org/wiki/I_want_to_improve_my_carburetor_jetting.

    i cant speak for the 250, but on my 500 the stock exhaust isnt very restrictive at all, and rejetting is pretty much a waste of gas. you may get a flat spot in the lower RPM but that can easily be tuned out with the pilot screws. on the 500, its not going to get you any more power.

    the thing about the 500 is that its a finite thing with a limit. it has been reached. any attempt to make it better really only makes it mad.

  5. those are cool looking helmets

    +1 for spending a little extra for higher quality helmet. definitely not something you want to worry about

    what helmet are you wearing now?

    i have an HJC CL-15 now. its been pretty good to me. never had to test its capabilities, knock on wood.

    SNELL certification isn't always the best form of testing. I mean, an $80 Fulmer has the same SNELL rating as a $700 Arai...

    so this leads me to ask this question then:

    is there hard evidence that a $700 DOT and SNELL approved Arai/Suomy/Shoei etc protects your head better in a crash than say a $100 DOT and SNELL approved HJC?

  6. this is what craft says about SNELL cert:

    Craft helmets carry ECE and DOT Certification. We do not bother to have Snell Test them. Snell is a Company in the US that Charges helmet companies to test helmets. Our helmets are approved for World Superbike and Moto GP. Craft helmets Exceed Snell guidelines and Craft coming from Europe sees no reason to pay Snell for their sticker.

    i was just wondering if anyone has ever used them or known anyone who has? i guess they havent been out in the states for very long though.

  7. anyone have any experience with them? ive looked online but havent found a lot of info on them. read the webbikeworld review though...

    the snap neck strap seems kind of iffy, but they are DOT approved, and made in germany, which id guess makes them TUV compliant as well, which ive heard is very strict...

    they look pretty cool though



    here is their plastic snap buckle



    chromed out


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