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Everything posted by armin922

  1. wow the ELKY!! good to see it getting painted. Still thinkin about kenny. RIP SON! Your car will get finished!!
  2. does anyone have the slug barrel for sale? Or does anyone know where i can get a cheap one? I f*cked myself in the ass by not getting the one at vances when it was only 60 bucks. Now 2 weeks later they dont have any and the only one i can get is a new one at 170 bucks I need it by friday this week because i plan on going deer hunting.
  3. so i have the mossberg maverick model 88 home defense shotty and i was told that all mossberg 500 barrels are interchangeable and if i wanted to use my shotty for deer hunting ill need the longer barrell. So if anyone has any for sale or can steer me the right direction i would appreciate it very much. THANKS
  5. thanks spaceghost. And yes, i did ask about the wrx and 2.5 RS. If i wanted a mitsubishi i would have said so. So please dont crap up my thread. THANKS
  6. what are some things to look for and to ask the owner? what are some of the major issues with these cars? Its a 2004 GLS 1.8 turbo
  7. sorry bro. hope for a speedy recovery as well.
  8. i know its a little early, but before i go to bed i just wanted to wish you a happy birthday:( Wish u were still here. RIP BRO and DO WORK!
  9. haha thanks for all the info..i appreciate it
  10. see this is where it kills me. I want a car thats good in the snow which both are and with them both being AWD it will be fun and i know will be funner with the wrx. But i want good gas mileage which the RS has and reliability. But with the WRX, i can mod it and it will be a fun daily as well. DECISIONS DECISIONS
  11. cool, i appreciate it. So i take it none of you would reccomend the RS?
  12. hmmm now u have me thinking twice. Is that just the wrx's. Or are the 2.5RS like that as well.
  13. cool, well if i wanted to get it datalogged how would i go about doing that? Will u meet me somewhere when i test drive it or what? Just let me know. THANKS
  14. the rex has about 59000 miles on it and they said its adult driven. BTW, its the red one for sale at byers mazda on billingsley
  15. what r some of the major things to look at with these 2 models? And what are the pros and cons?
  16. http://fandomania.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/noisy-cricket.jpg http://www.seanpallas.com/images/props/screengrabs/noisycricket.jpg the noisy cricket
  17. have u had alot of tickets? 900 every 6 months is freaking ridic!
  18. Ok, so im thinking about changing auto insurance companies. Im currently with state farm and ive searched for quotes through other companes and they offer lower and better rates. So what im trying to look for here is who do u have and do u like them? What are some of the good and bad things? Who would u reccomend? So far progressive has offered me the best quote. BTW, i JUST turned 25 yrs old, single, and have the 02 Pontiac Bonneville SLE. Last ticket i had was about 6 yrs ago
  19. well the problem is that week he wants off they are switching GM's and with a new GM coming in he said they wont let him req the days off. So that kinda blows
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