so yeah as the title says. We would go to start it, and it would take a while for the exploder to turn over. It would take numerous times after about 5 secs or so each time trying to crank the car. At times it will start and if u turn the car back off and try to start it again, it will crank right over. If u let it sit for about 15 mins or so the same problem returns. Other than that the it runs good and everthing, its jsut when you go to start it. BTW, batter terms are all clean i checked and cleaned that first. There was a bit of corrosion on them, so we thought taht may have been the problem and we cleaned it but still no good. My bro has it at mr tire and they cant figure out whats wrong with it. Theyve had it since friday and he called today to see what the problem was if they figured it out and they still had no clue. Do any of you know what could be the problem? We thought starter? But still not sure.