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Everything posted by armin922

  1. so what exactly does an EGR do? what will happen if i just go trowas way and just disconnect it? Will it do anything bad besides the CEL being on?
  2. could a bad egr valve cause a car to feel like its going to stall and idle rough? a friend of mine is having that problem, they got it scanned and it said egr and im pretty sure they need a new egr valve. It feels like its gonna stall and when u acclerate it sounds like its hesitating.
  3. the 04's have the ls2 motors dont they?
  4. the brakes dont even have to be applied when i feel this.
  5. so the other day i was driving on a gravel rd pretty much just letting the car idle in drive and going like 5 mph because it was the speed limit through the park, but anyways i was covering the brake pedal not pushing it and i can feel like shaking pretty bad. Ive noticed this when im driving too and i cover the brake when im going through a bump part it does the same. What do u think it is? I looked underneath the steering wheel area where the brake pedal bolts onto this bracket or whatever and i cant figure it out. Any suggestions?
  6. bump. make me a fair offer i cant refuse
  7. I just dont play it anymore. Bought it off a guy on here a 7 months ago and only played it about 5 times. It has a bunch of games with the full guides to them. 2 wireless Controllers, and 1 dance pad for DDR. Will let everything go for 120. Tell me if this is to high and i will consider a fair negotiable price for you. Games: Ninja Gaiden w/guide Ncaa Football 06 Ncaa Football 08 Madden 09 (VERY RARE TO FIND FOR ORIGINAL XBOX) Halo 1 and 2 Star Wars Battle Front Splinter Cell Splinter Cell- Chaos Theory w/guide Star Wars-knights of the republic w/guide Splinter cell Pandora Tomorrow w/guide Full Spectrum Warrior Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " " and the Prisoner of AZkaban Hitman Contracts w/guide Tiger Woods PGA tour 2004 The Sims Swars Obi Wars S Wars- knights 2 w/guide Soul Caliber 2 w/guide DDR Ultra Mix w/dance pad Project Gotham Racing
  8. all the BS media....worthless. He is still one of my favs. Didnt even look like he was trying to even block him. F*ck the media and every1 making a big deal out of nothing.
  9. White 30 Gig Zune. Very good condition. Small scratches on it but other than that its in perfect working order. $55 NEED TO SELL ASAP
  10. so pretty much id just unscrew that pulley on the compresor which is the AC clutch and put the new one on?
  11. cool, does anyone have a shop i can bring it to when they let me take it out so that someone can look at it? Im not sure what all to look for but u guys that know ur F150s. Also, what price do u think i should ask for? He told me that if i consider it he would be flexible as far as price goes.
  12. haha. thanks again for all ur inputs...i appreciate it very much.
  13. im looking for a truck and for some reason i like the older body style ford f150's. They have one for sale at ricart with 130k miles on it for 9995. Im gonna talk them down but i saw it inperson and its VERY VERY clean for a 2001. The interior and exterior is immaculate. It says Triton on the badging but they told me its a 4.6L. Anyways, is there anything major with these engines/trucks. Im gonna go back tomorrow to look at it some more because today i just did a quick glance at it because of the rain. Is there anything i should look for with this truck? How reliable is this year F150 and the engine and ETC. THANK YOU
  14. ok well she just told me that the pulley for the ac compressor isnt spinning? She called me and told me that. So im gonna have to see it. It makes a loud when she uses the AC, so i think the compressor may be going out. What do u guys think. We checked it with a gauge and it said it was full of freon. No leaks or anything i dont think. But i think the compressor may be going out.
  15. ok thanks for all ur imputs. But, what if the car has been serviced with new head gaskets and the common problems you have all told me about? Still stay away? She needs a reliable car because shes moving to NC for 10 months and she has about 1500 bucks saved up. Or does anyone have any good deals or know of anyone selling something in this pricerange easy to fix and reliable?
  16. well the owner said that its had all the service intervals done and up to date and it was owned by an old person. So i bet it hasnt been ran to the ground that hard.
  17. So like the title says. What are opinions? Any major problems with this car? I believe it has the northstar motor. Someone is giving my gf this car for 1500 bucks with about 150k miles. What are the problems with this car, what should we look for when looking at it, and etc. THANKS
  18. so if i just put refrigerant myself it wont do anything because theres probably some sort of leak?
  19. Ok, so my car has no more ac. I was thinking of refillin it by myself. I was looking at the refill kit at the store for 40 bux. Has any of u used this? Is it safe? I was jw. THANKS
  20. battery huh? dont u think the shop wouldve already tested the battery?
  21. he tried already hitting it w a hammer. Still didnt work. But this was before he took it in the shop
  22. what do u mean "when it sticks" like when im cranking it and it wont turn over? then hit it with a hammer while cranking it? or hit it with a hammer then crank it again?
  23. so yeah as the title says. We would go to start it, and it would take a while for the exploder to turn over. It would take numerous times after about 5 secs or so each time trying to crank the car. At times it will start and if u turn the car back off and try to start it again, it will crank right over. If u let it sit for about 15 mins or so the same problem returns. Other than that the it runs good and everthing, its jsut when you go to start it. BTW, batter terms are all clean i checked and cleaned that first. There was a bit of corrosion on them, so we thought taht may have been the problem and we cleaned it but still no good. My bro has it at mr tire and they cant figure out whats wrong with it. Theyve had it since friday and he called today to see what the problem was if they figured it out and they still had no clue. Do any of you know what could be the problem? We thought starter? But still not sure.
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