Want to get at least 310 for it. Its for sale at vances for 299.99. Which is about 319 after taxes. The gun has never been fired.It is brand new. Its the Camo one with the Longer barrel 22 inches, not the heavy barrel. Its got the accu trigger and a 3-9x40 scope thats also matching camo.Looks just like this
Will consider trade for a nice handgun with some cash depending on how much the handgun is worth.. Preferably a revolver.
did anyone happen to hear john madden commenting on how larry fitzgerald has "big and strong hands"? WOW, he would not stop talking about that. I think he talked about his hands for like 5 mins and thats along time.....
preferably the shell. It doesnt have to have the motor in it or wheels. My buddy wants to build a willys and i just wanted to see if anyone here has any ideas. thanks
correct. THANKS and FYI.....I got it at wallmart, " Welcome to Walmart, Where all ur wildest dreams come true"....haha i remember my friends and i were walking into walmart one day and one of the greeters said that to us.
Its the entire housing. Has some kind of condensation inside of the lens. But u can take it off and clean it. Other than that, its in great condition. Has the wiring as well. $40
will sell for $7. i had bought 150 rds but only went through a box and 3/4, and i dont even own a 9mm. Was using my buddies. I paid 9 per box. U can have it for 7...