Im sorry but damn. Last night we saw a car with the hood open and a sign propped up that says, please help us give our children a christmas! And the couple sitting inside of their car waiting for someone to give them money, food, toys or what not. Come on people, there are plenty of jobs out there. I know the economy is bad but almost every store ive seen it has a help wanted sign. If someone really wanted, they can get a job the same day working at mc donalds, taco bell, a grocery store, and jpretty much anywhere.! If theres illegal aliens willing to get a job here in the US ASAP why cant others that already live here that are homeless do it to? We just have to many lazy people in this world, and then thats what brings up thieves! Dont have a job, therefore cant afford shit and pay for what they really want so they steal...WTF is this world coming into?