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Everything posted by armin922

  1. armin922

    Subs fs

    whats the power ratings on the subs? at 2 ohms and 4 ohms?
  2. armin922

    Subs fs

    and r the comp 12's the vr's?
  3. armin922

    Subs fs

    got pics? is the amp a 2 channel, 4 channel, or a class D mono
  4. now this just looks so wrong....is this a redneck from another country? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76M3nHZVRbM
  5. yeah, or u can pm me as well
  6. they say hes like a smaller jamal lewis.....cant wait to see him in the NFL. I would of left to. Plus we r gettin a good rb next year. And we still have boooooooom
  7. yup, workin and getting paid double! aaahhh...and its sooo boring
  8. i hate when people fire their guns, and light off fireworks....
  9. new years is overrated.............
  10. what all comes w the camera? Do u have the usb? Is there anything wrong w the camera at all? Y selling it so cheap?
  11. haha, i see ur mom everywhere!
  12. dont worry kenneth...i will have one! where u watchin the ufc fight
  13. my friend plans on buying like a 92 or 93 yamaha xj 600? I think its an xj. But the guy says that its been sitting in his garage for a long time but he got the whole engine worked on over the summer. He says it runs good. Its got 23000 miles on it. Is there anything i should be looking for in the bike when we go look at it?
  14. If i were to buy a phone from a private seller, and it was a PDA phone, what would i have to do to get that phone activated. I would just need my old number that i have on my current veizon phone switched to the new phone. Also, would i have to get the internet? IDC to much about the web on the phone i was wondering because a verizon rep told me when i went to go look at the bberrys, that i would have to get the web on the phone. But i just want to use it to text because of the nice keyboard and the features of it. And would it cost extra to get it activated?
  15. if i do get this phone, i know verizon said if i were to buy one of their phones id have to get the internet....would i have to do this? Its kinda stupid not to have the internet and etc. while having this phone but i just want it for the keyboard and the features. IDC about the web. Also what all does this phone come with? Like i know the power cord, but also a cord for the comp? Im interested btw
  16. daaamn kenneth...looks good mane know whatta mean?
  17. vances. I have the m&p .40 compact. Its made my smith and wess. Its a good carry handgun and a very good handgun IMO
  18. yeah, we all work hard for all of the stuff we have. Get off your lazy ass and get a job and start providing for your family.......We had a friend that was pretty much homeless living in and out of his car. We got him a job, and other shit and tried to help him out as much as we could and still he fucks us over. Not paying us back, quitting the place we got him a job at, getting him a car because he promised a buddy that he would pay him back after his first paycheck and never did, and etc. Theres just no changing some people out there i guess.
  19. Im sorry but damn. Last night we saw a car with the hood open and a sign propped up that says, please help us give our children a christmas! And the couple sitting inside of their car waiting for someone to give them money, food, toys or what not. Come on people, there are plenty of jobs out there. I know the economy is bad but almost every store ive seen it has a help wanted sign. If someone really wanted, they can get a job the same day working at mc donalds, taco bell, a grocery store, and jpretty much anywhere.! If theres illegal aliens willing to get a job here in the US ASAP why cant others that already live here that are homeless do it to? We just have to many lazy people in this world, and then thats what brings up thieves! Dont have a job, therefore cant afford shit and pay for what they really want so they steal...WTF is this world coming into?
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