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Everything posted by armin922

  1. damn that car makes some retarted power....
  2. nice car. But the S351's were the shit though.....
  3. yeah so what if i have stuff that are under warranty through circuit city? am i pretty much fucked?
  4. armin922

    Wtb Ak47

    lets hope cuz this sh*ts ridic
  5. no its not hard to convert it at all you dont really have to convert anything, all you have to do is buy a 20 rd mag or 30 rd mag which ever you perfer. I used to have a 20 rd tapco mag but it somehow broke. I believe the mags run from $20-30 they're really cheap online. Anyone interested give me a call 614-439-3374 or pm me.
  6. Chinese Norkino SKS Sporter Has all matching serial numbers, a fixed 10 round mag (stock), the ATI Fiberforce Stock, also have the original wood stock if you want it. The gun is very reliable and ive put just about anything through it and it has fired. Ive put about 400 rounds through it. These chinese SKS rifles are hard to find. The gun gets cleaned thoroughly after each time at the shooting range. The gun is very clean. $225 It is the one on the top but without the tapco 20 rd mag.Remember it has the fixed 5 rd mag on it but the 20 rd tapco mag is $20. The mag i bought somehow broke. http://a246.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/127/l_225172681b08c82c24ac25ed0d995b85.jpg
  7. daaaaamn thats a big boy. I wanna fish the mekong river for some flathead and blue catfish......
  8. thats a nice bike....I love the kaw green
  9. bump....shocker symbol ftw! and its pink.......
  10. kenny, finish ur damn FAL you slacker....
  11. i wanna see the numbers it put down damn it!
  12. try shooting it with that stock in the mean time ill keep an eye out. I might have to go to my old apartment where my ex lives to see if its there. If it is, she might have thrown it away but idk. Ill keep u updated man
  13. hey idk where it is. I moved and i know i brought it with me. I forgot all abou it. Do you really need it though? Hows the gun BTW
  14. http://www.firearmstalk.com/reviews/data/2/zoom_pardnerpump_protector.jpg
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