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Everything posted by armin922

  1. hey im taking my class on Jan 4th at the powder room. Its $150 from 8am to 8pm breakfast, lunch , and maybe dinner included. 10 hrs class time and 2 hrs range time. Id rather get it all done in one day, 10 hrs seem like alot but again id rather get it all done at once.
  2. http://www.ableammo.com/catalog/images/ssi/18165.jpg
  3. armin922

    Ruger P95

    This is a 9 mm Ruger P95. Comes with 2 mags, the instruction manual, magazine loader, has the picatinny rail so you can put a flashlight on it or a laser, and 3.9" barrel. It also has a hammer which can allow the gun to be a single/double. This is one of the more expensive ones because it has the stainless frame as opposed to the all black one which isnt. Im selling this because i need to find a smaller handgun to use when i carry as this one is just a little to big for my taste. Ive put about 70 rds through it and it has fired flawlessly. I dont have pics but i have pics of what it looks like. I want $300. Or if anyone has something to trade me lemme know. Im looking for a smaller handgun btw and a 9mm.
  4. car alarms are ok but if a thief really wants ur car, they will get it!!! Theres no stopping them. FUCKIN THIEVES!!!
  5. damn thank god our columbus teams r starting to step it up. How great would it be for the buckeyes to win a national championship, the crew winning another mls cup, the bluejackets winnning the stanley cup, and the destroyers also winning the championship???DAMN
  6. give me some pics of the back, engine bay, and sides.....thanks
  7. what have u done with it maintenance wise? Any major repairs? Also are those the only mods it has done to it? Do you have more pics?
  8. fuckin car thieves.......................... They all need to burn in hell
  9. dats racist man dats racist!!
  10. bump......yeah especially since all the students dont even sit at the right seats. I went to the penn state game and even the aisle ways where you walk up and down, they were sitting there
  11. taylor swift songs reba mcyntire songs kelly clarkson songs yeah i know, im a homo
  12. if your on a bike and u run the redlight going toward the red light cameras and they flash, they cant get u right? Since motorcycles have no front plates?
  13. If so, how many years of experience have you had? Where did u start out at and where are you now? Im taking the 2nd level of EMT Certification here soon. Is there anything new i should study besides what i know? Anything on the field? Protocals? I went through columbus state to get my EMT cert. Good program. Just need more experience..... I also was thinking about leaving for the navy to become a corpsman to get experience and come back and hopefully get on a dept in probably a bigger city. Its really hard right now to get into City of Columbus. From what im told theres many applicants a year that apply and the they only choose a certain ammount of candidates.
  14. ive never had any problems with viruses or spyware when i download torrents....
  15. +1 on that.....torrent sites r where its at....... isohunt.com or mininova.com
  16. dont have pics but it looks like this http://www.gpslodge.com/pictures/TomTomONE_3rd_edition-thumb.jpg
  17. Its pretty much brand new. I got it off a buddy that didnt want it because he just got a car with a navi and i only used it maybe 3x. 3.5" LCD touchscreen display. Can change up to 10 different voices, i think theres like 3-4 different languages,I have the Cord that connects to the comp, and the power cord for the car, as well as the winshield mount. It has the recent map loaded on it. I want 100 for it. Its practically brand new! GPS System Recommended Use Automotive Connectivity USB GPS Functions / Services Electronic compass Speed Speed Camera Warning Voice Navigation instructions Antenna Built-in Features 2D / 3D map perspective, TMC (Traffic Message Channel) ready Built-in Memory 1.0 GB
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