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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=motor%20plate&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&biw=1366&bih=601&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw
  2. Lol. I didn't buy anything yet.
  3. What's the plug issue? Just getting corroded in place?
  4. With 6 kids, I would go straight for the Yukon XL and then bolt an extra bench seat in the cargo area. But seriously, I have been scouring the interwebs daily for 3rd row seaters. If this thing I'm looking at today falls through, I am looking into late 90's 4 door Tahoes and then adding a third row. These things are dirt cheap and the third row seats run about $600 online.
  5. Friday. And 78 billion in cuts agreed to through the end of the fiscal year (so they say).
  6. Meh, I already take 2 places, how tough could 3 be?
  7. There will be a 35mpg DD. This would only be when I need to take 2 or 3 kids.
  8. I am looking at an 04 Expedition in the morning and while I have owned Fords and Lincolns, I have never had a Ford SUV. Any personal opinions on these things? Blatant, obvious things I should look for? This is over 100k, most options, XLT, 5.4L This is it: http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/0FF7CDD2-C24B-4BAA-A828-54C31432A8D2_8.jpg Thanks.
  9. MMmk. More details about services?
  10. nurkvinny

    God dammit!

    I used to change mine all the time when we were able to ourselves. Very confusing back then.
  11. 6 g's if someone brings their own battery?
  12. I think the car hit the pavement and bounced up enough to take a lot of weight of the front end while it traveled over his junk.
  13. No. CR isn't run by a lot of people who make careers out of being Mods and Admins after they lie their way into their job. Now, if our motives were secretly to appease some lobbyists with deep pockets, then we might gesture and spout out about how wonderful one side of the aisle is opposed to the other until each side of CR sees which can hold its breath the longest and stomp their feet the hardest to get their own way. If this never ending soap-boxing failed to produce a victor, then yes, we would shut down CR and point fingers at each other while the people who elected us - from both sides - struggled.
  14. I think that should be in a special facility with padded rooms somewhere.
  15. You know what I did recently when I was upset about a deal? I picked up the cell phone and called the person until things were settled.
  16. Thanks for spreading the word...
  17. The ONLY part I don't like is active military not getting paid (if that's even the truth). Keep in mind, even if gov't workers are off for weeks, congress can agree to pay them their back pay. Which is a whole other issue.
  18. If I was in the mood for another trade deal, there have been some awesome offers. This one was very hard to turn away from... http://www.racingjunk.com/category/1060/Chevrolet/post/2148389/chevy-powered-studebaker.html
  19. Yep, he seemed interested, but then texted me that Pataskala was too far to come see it last night. Had a guy from WV that said consider it sold, started making plans, then he flaked out. No worries. It will sell when it sells.
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