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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Walked all around it a few times. I smell nothing outside. Thanks
  2. Not yet. If the smell persists, that is the next step.
  3. Nope, no crawl space. I aired the place out again, left for an hour and ate lunch. Came back, and things smell fine. :confused: This is like an engine knocking, taking it to the shop, and having the noise stop. I want to figure this out. Similar, but 5 adults so far today had an immediate "sewer" response.
  4. Turns out there is a trap for our's. I wish I could pinpoint the strongest smell area. I can't. The firemen couldn't. The plumber couldn't. Been on roof, roof vents are all good.
  5. Well water and septic.
  6. Nope. Only hole in the basement in the sump pump. The A/C drains into the sump. I have a tankless water heater. I climbed up in the attic and smacked the vent tube around with a Mag light hoping to hear ice or some other debris loosen up, but nothing. The sump hole does smell bad, but I don't think it smells "sewer" bad. I have a family plumber friend swinging over to give his opinion. After that, I guess I'll call septic folks.
  7. So, what's the fix for this? I smelled directly in this drain and I smell nothing bad.
  8. Because her puking turned into an all day doctor ordeal yesterday thinking we were having a miscarriage. Nice week, huh?
  9. Nope, good there. If I go outside for 5 minutes and walk back in, the smell really smacks you in the face. I've had the house opened up for about 30 minutes at this point. Ran more water to make sure all traps are full. Going to close the house back up, go outside for a while and see what it smells like then. Getting hard to tell what smell is actually left after being in it all morning This is more pressing than usual since there's a pregnant wife and 2 small kids in the mix. They're away until I figure this out.
  10. Yep, checked that off the list first. There's really no drain that goes more than a day or two here without being used. Filled everything with water and drained just to try earlier. And the fact that everything drains fast points me to the roof vent being clear (I think).
  11. Thanks. Thought of that, got the ladder out, got to roof and found out how icy the roof is. No real way of getting to the peak of the roof to check.
  12. nurkvinny

    Sewer smell

    Looking for ideas / advise here. We woke up this morning to a strong smell in the house. It was bad enough that I though it was natural gas. We had the fire dept come by and they ruled that out. Both firemen immediately said sewage when they walked in. I've checked that all sink, shower, tub, and toilets drain well. No toilet wax seals seem to be loose. Can't find any obvious leaks anywhere. Waiting to hear back from a plumber. Looking for ideas I might have skipped over...
  13. Tip: go to restroom on the 1st floor down the HR hall. HR is mainly women, so the men's room is almost always empty and never wreaks of shit.
  14. Fuck that. I'm afraid I would have followed the dude in and drug him out if my young kid was in there. I know of a cross-dresser who was fired for using the woman's restroom at work. WTF is wrong with people?
  15. Yes. Balancer. Lay under it, grab it and see if the outer ring has came loose from the inner hub. Just replaced one on an 89 5.0 two nights ago. 69.99 at Jegs for a Jegs brand.
  16. Top Gear isn't more enjoyable than many things. But, I guess it does indeed beat rape.
  17. My 3 year old has the same bed. Oh, and nice car.
  18. Has a single one of these posts not ended in or included... "Tinman" ???
  19. Skinner for the win. Dumb dude in the pics, but those are my life every visit to the family.
  20. Will replace someday http://i628.photobucket.com/albums/uu8/nurkvinnyz06/DSCN3905.jpg?t=1298427731 Best DD so far: http://nurkvinny.com/images/Vehicles/Cars/2004_GTO/GTO6.jpg
  21. but damn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t60jJ6qa1g8&NR=1&feature=fvwp
  22. I didn't know he had a tie on until 3/4 of the way through.
  23. http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/135-vBulletin-3.7-Questions-Problems-and-Troubleshooting
  24. 11:1 with alum heads in no problem. OP - Please list as many of the specs you're running as you can.
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