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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. I hope you're right. But, I don't think you are.
  2. nurkvinny

    I see fail.

    Cool... until they bring out the 30-something below average blond with saggy tits because the builder's wife wanted a modeling gig.
  3. So, I repeat - http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76711
  4. Nope. Been driving the Ram back and forth using the bumpers to plow the drive.
  5. Yes, it does. And, I think Clay didn't get a tailgate with the truck.?
  6. So, I can't get my tractor more than 4' out of the back garage, and my dad's plow truck is broken down. Any plow companies or even individuals with a plow out in Pataskala have time to make a pass down and back my drive? It's completely level with 1 bend and no obstacles. Post up anything you can offer. Thanks! Oh, and needless to say, money and/or large quantities of beer is involved.
  7. I was a Counter Strike haxxor. It was fun. I only did it because I had played for years, got very bored, and didn't care about being caught anymore.
  8. In defense of Direct TV, this is the first time in 1.5 years I have had an issue with it. And really, that 'issue" only means I have to put on boots, take 2 steps out onto the deck and brush the snow off the dish. No biggie. It's been fine all day today.
  9. Did about 4 years with 2wd lowered s-10's and a couple years with 2wd full size Chevy's. I used 3 full size concrete parking ties, ratchet-strapped to each other and then ratchet-strapped to the bed's tie down hooks. This usually did the trick. That was back before I knew the water bladders existed (or maybe they didn't).
  10. nurkvinny

    Snow Storm

    14" here. It's so fucking heavy that the tractor finally gave up. Heading for dad's snow truck. Oh, and +1 on the shoveling the yard so the mut can take a shit.
  11. Ha, when I watched it last night, I kept saying out loud, "god damn, just UNscrew it."
  12. Just got done with round 3 of plowing our drive. The novelty of it is over now.
  13. Biggest snow storm we'll likely see this year... what do you want them to say? They'll be right out and fix it for you tonight? Would your company do that? Double But on a much more serious note: I can't watch Man vs Food because this heavy snow keeps filling up my Direct TV dish.
  14. I shall drink 1 oz of Everclear for every inch of snow we get tonight. I am currently 4 inches behind. There's a sentence I never imagined coming out of my mouth.
  15. I'd say 7" here already. With the shit hitting tonight, I'm worried about my little 27hp tractor and 42" snow blade.
  16. pics to nurkvinny@yahoo.com , please.
  17. Yeah, there's a ticket. I give her 5 days.
  18. http://www.elmwoodpark.org/water/Facts.htm http://www.csgnetwork.com/waterusagecalc.html
  19. On the forth hand, how would the gay community handle it if there was a straight-only dating site advertised during the Super Bowl... or any show for that matter? And, I don't recall seeing a reply to this: "if I am not supposed to care about how a gay man or woman lives their life, and I am supposed to leave them be and let them do whatever they want to and feel however they want to... why are they (and you) so concerned about whether or not I approve of it and make it a point to show me how my beliefs are wrong?"
  20. Yep - moisture. Don't lose any sleep over it.
  21. That's not awesome. What more can a dealership do than to give you a free loaner and fix the problem for free? I'll admit I chuckled though. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy makes a medical claim for a sore neck next.
  22. I'll take them all again at the price we talked about last time if you're still interested. Thanks
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