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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. Whatever happens in this last 1:09... Hell of a fun game to watch.
  2. I'll admit it. I have no clue what that car used to be.
  3. vid won't load for me. Found this one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4s2H9cH7Sw
  4. I love Christmas. I despise holiday marketing.
  5. That makes sense. I guess I am stuck in the 80's and 90's when networks would allow a little more adult material after (I think) 10pm.
  6. I like them. If you are looking for size for the buck though, I'd look into Tahoes and Yukons. They're obviously bigger, sell for cheap, can tow more, and get the same mileage.
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,575114,00.html
  8. They are allowed after a certain time of night.
  9. These were taken around Noon by a 31 year old (with a couple creepy "old" dudes at his table with him.) I couldn't go b/c of a sick kid.
  10. I didn't take these, but I enjoyed seeing them (most of them). http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s171/nurkvinny/HootersFantasyDay/
  11. Wowzers. And to think, I am embarrassed to admit to my folks what I paid for my Bulova.
  12. Move. I have called the cops on next-door neighbors before after all else failed, and it was uncomfortable the remaining time I lived there. It was no where near as creepy sounding as this shit. Oh, and get some audio clips and post them up.
  13. Yes. Yes, it is nice out today. At least, it looks nice through the window.
  14. Gas. Match. Sit back and watch.
  15. http://www.stillmadeinusa.com/tools.html#handtools
  16. Agreed. And, it's also a sign of rabid animals. We have no idea what the homeowner told the cop. Maybe the dog made aggressive movements towards the owner or their family. Maybe the cop wanted to try out his new pistol. Who knows.
  17. Mouth foaming and aggressive movements don't equal "looking dangerous". They're signs of a rabid dog. Loose dog with above condition and traits. No tags. On someone else's property. No owner in sight. 100% owner's fault from the facts given.
  18. I'd like to drink this weekend. But, I don't have any beer. Say... a case?
  19. I actually swapped turbos (factory) and a transmission on one of those back in the day. I was pushing up on the trans so hard - by hand - and it weighed so little, that I threw the trans into the floorboard. BTW, it was stupid slow.
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