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Everything posted by nurkvinny

  1. It's getting some upgrades with all my dope-selling proceeds.
  2. Does anyone know of an on-line photo hosting service that can load random pictures in a folder in a sig? Meaning, point a signature picture to a single URL, but have a different pic load each time? Is that even how people accomplish this? If not, please give me some pointers. I'd like to display a different/random sig pic without going in and changing my sig all the time. Maybe it's not even possible? Thanks
  3. You have an unhealthy obsession with my 24 year old modest little pickup truck. Do I owe you a race or something? If I do, I can substitute another black Chevy in its place.
  4. If you can make it move under its own power right now, I'll hand you the keys, and you can drive it anywhere you want.
  5. Nope, was being serious. I also took a few months off when my wife was on bedrest with a high risk pregnancy. You fuckers are too much to Mod sometimes.
  6. You mean this one, where he wants $450? http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/1210770744.html Read the rules, man.
  7. I have had good luck finding free javascripting solutions with Google searches. I'm not trying for the usual smartass "Google it, idiot'. I am being serious.
  8. Birth of son #1. Birth of son #2. Nothing else comes anywhere close.
  9. I miss staying up late with the big kids.
  10. Babies popping up around all over the place today. Was there a power outage in Columbus 9 months ago?
  11. nurkvinny

    Iron Pony

    Seems simple enough. Thanks for posting.
  12. I was, at one time, extremely current on just about any gas topic out there. I have been out of that business (for the most part) for 10 years now. I keep meaning to sit down and find the studies again that were the most detailed brand-by-brand comparison, but... To summarize, basically all of the "name brand", non discount chains scored much higher than the places that sell "cheap" gas. Your Amoco's(BP), Sunoco, Shell, etc all scored very well. The discount chains scored lower. The best advice I can give is this - start with a clean system and chuck over the extra 2-3 cents to get name brand fuel from then on. There is also a fun little phenomenon that occurs when you use shit gas. Over time, the build-ups actually raise your compression ratio, eventually forcing you to run higher octane fuel to prevent pre-detonation.
  13. God, I wish I would have taken pictures of the dozens of engine top ends I had apart from customers that always ran BP fuel. Spotless. The best urban legend I used to hear was that BP fuel turned the inside of your intake runners green. That, and "the water dripping out the exhaust tips PROVES BP waters down their gas!!!!!!!" Forget trying to reason with people about condensation and/or chemical properties involved in water mixing with gasoline.
  14. When you guys are saying station 'x' is ethanol-free, are you saying that because the place has it posted that they are ethanol free, or because there is no sign stating the fuel has 10%? Ohio does not mandate that stations post the ethanol percentage. And, (I am still searching for this), I thought it was law in Ohio to contain 10%.
  15. I would like to see this in the Ohio code (or where ever it would be listed). I have seen numerous underage alcohol purchase stings where the vehicle used was unmarked. Not saying there isn't a law somewhere that says that, but I don't suggest testing this in the real world.
  16. Horrible price. EVERYthing is used. motor 7,000 miles 6-Speed < 25,000 miles since its rebuild (so a lot more) supercharger ~ 20,000 miles
  17. Berto, there are real independent comparison results out there. I will continue looking for them; I could not find them during a quicky Google search. Until I can find them, the results were something like this: Amoco Marathon Shell Mobil Texaco Sunoco (100 others)
  18. Since the OP was asking for some kind of evidence... http://www.allbusiness.com/retail-trade/food-stores/4489226-1.html http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_2006_May_11/ai_n26859067/ How about a CR real-life gas test? We have enough people here to get some really good data. Pick 3 or 4 brands, run each for 3 tanks worth, record mpg, overall car feel, pricing, etc. Any interest?
  19. BP (Amoco) is an excellent fuel, and the tests are available online - do some Googling. The catch is: WHEN you stick to it. Using it every once in a while in between fill ups from discount chains is bad. It's amazing how many GM mechanics would blame BP gas for a customer's issue, and then show up and fill their own cars with Amoco. It's equally amazing how many running condition problems we solved for customers by simply swapping a fuel filter and having them run a few tanks of BP. Always got a kick out the people that would say, "but, I always heard it was bad and watered down." Stick to what you like and what your car likes.
  20. I was just through Dublin too. I have several (maybe 10). Are you interested in that few?
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