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Clifford Automotive

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Everything posted by Clifford Automotive

  1. I have to agree with this 100% Whats the difference? I can wrap a car around a telephone pole at 65 and die from it.
  2. Welcome. When your ready to do that engine swap let me know. I know 3rd gens in and out. Ive got a set of IROC wheels if your interested. And a set of IROC springs if you'd like those too...
  3. A friend of mine told me Mansfield is the best out of all of them... I went up to Cedar Point a few weeks back. It was a first for me, it was pretty good. But all of the scare was expected.
  4. Pretty sure you clicked on the wrong section.
  5. depends on the truck and which window
  6. Good drive. I used to drive to prospect and back on the west side of the river. Make sure to look at the river just north of the home rd bridge. Its dry as a bone right now.
  7. Use your own advice... Look up Motion on dictionary.com
  8. Just like 1 out of 4 people are smokers...So we should quit. But when I drive down the freeway. I can count 4 people in a row smoking...
  9. Just out of curiosity how can you sell student tickets? How does one use a student ID to get in? Isnt your picture on it?
  10. Condition is good!!! Tips need a little cleaning. I was going to tell you to get a hold of Anthony...Apparently he saw the tread before me.
  11. I knew you were going to mention your dad...Then I knew you were going to mention they wanted to just put a new tire on it. That sucks. And Im sure they had something that was an equal replacement. That sucks man.
  12. well hopefully the rate hike wont go through... i know it'll hurt a lot of already struggling people and small businesses.
  13. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/888311689.html
  14. I was going to have to agree with the others until I read this...This is what really makes me mad. How the hells that happen...You squeeze and shake the shit. So wheres the extra come from?
  15. Ha I know this place. Your wife said "excuse me" because I was standing in front of that guy, right by the orange tractor. I watched this picture being taken and thought...shes a cute little girl. Nice Pic!
  16. Take the existing wire out of the box. Like stated...If it makes you feel more comfortable go inside the house and turn the next breaker off for the maintenance panel. Then remove the wire. Save it just incase you get another. Your set.
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