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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. QFT. If you can't do that then get a CB, the truckers coming the opposite way know where the bears are.
  2. Are we welcome at QS&L?
  3. The pics of them sleeping, shows why you couldn't split them up and only take one home. Suggested names: Windsor, Shelby, Henry (Ford)
  4. Mitch

    Mt. Vernon 6.0

    I have friends in money earnin mt.vernon. I would be there. Give me enough time to let him know.
  5. There won't be a lot of rabbits for long! Good looking doggies, all three of 'em
  6. Mitch

    Paris Update

    Ridiculous. 40 days of house arrest...in a mansion, no doubt. She should be confined to a hospital until she was fit to do the time in jail.
  7. I have a Savage .17 HMR mode 93R that I would let go for a fair price. Its a bolt action. It has less than 50 rounds through it. Recoil is similar to the .22lr. .17HMR rounds run about $8-12 per box of 50, where as you can get a 500ct. brick of .22lr for that price. Its not as economical to shoot as the .22lr I can have pics of it this evening. Would like $160 for it. I've had it for a couple of years and haven't had much time for shooting. Edit, heres the pics as promised. http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/4734/im001288lx0.jpg http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/2623/im001289ll8.jpg http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/893/im001290hr3.jpg
  8. Yeah I imagine the chair is destroyed. Dude was lucky.
  9. Anyone got the link to the site with every top gear episode?
  10. Mitch


    Redline pills are crack...lite.
  11. Mitch


    Yes, because that feeling of handing in the last test you will ever take is priceless. Tomorrow, You'll be at the Pub, CI, Junction, pigskin, crystal, evo, pawpurrs to make up for it all, and I won't. Enjoy. Edited b/c you're probably not a senior...can I have a place to crash this summer, you know for vacation. I will supply cases per day.
  12. Mitch


    you have finals. Wish I was at OU right now.
  13. Ask and y'all shall get. http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/1250/obamayv7.jpg
  14. Thats the point he is making money off of CR and insulting its members (in this case me) and getting away with it. I love bewbies as much as the next guy, but a porn purveyor from california coming on here and talking shit about me is unacceptable. Get him the fuck out of here.
  15. Why did you even bother, you should have gone to westland mall if you were trolling for chicks...J/K Westland, Eastland and City Center are going to see the same fate as northland.
  16. You have nothing to add to ColumbusRacing. You are looking only to profit from its members. You will need to contact an admin to continue profiting from this site in the futrure. I understand how teh intarweb works and will urge that the admins of this site see fit to delete the links and ban your ip from accessing the site. I'll fight you to the end. Go back to exploiting teen girls.
  17. Alright, I did some research on the Ohio revised code and came up with this http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4513.071 This is NOT legal advice and there MAY be county laws that supersede this. I AM DRUNK and looking up the ORC. What I am saying is that is a good place to begin research and you can make your best judgment from there. Johnny Law will interpret as he so decides when he wants to pull you over. Cliffs notes for the sober: this is a good place to start for the official laws of the Ohio Revised Code.
  18. Mitch


    You got the crave if you are posting about sliders at nearly 4am. Any white castles in money earnin mt. vernon?
  19. The CR drinking game. I have one shot while watching each vid linn posts. One shot for pics from the bunny ranch. Keg stand for each post in the classroom that is longer than 5 pages. Shotgun a beer for rumors involving 1xxx hp supras and porsches. One shot for each time someone refers to the latent homosexuality of certain members. One shot for a coltboostin call out. One shot for each posting of turbosluts mugshot. Waterfall for religion or politics thread in the kitchen.
  20. Mitch


    I can run it, get me a vin. I've got unlimited access until June 9th or 10th if anyone else needs one looked up. I'll pm you the userid and password and you can run your own.
  21. Mitch

    Hola from Ohio.

    so, uhh what will it run ya to upgrade it to an srt-4? Gods honest truth, short of that you are trying to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. I know, I owned a beat to shit mustang gt.
  22. I don't know why but its fascinating.
  23. Mitch


    I saw your audi yesterday. We were at Las Margaritas on the patio from 5:30 to 7:30. I saw it turning left onto frantz and just had that feeling of cool car, bet he's on CR. The tint and wheels set it off. end thread hijack.
  24. Mitch

    Forza 2

    I've got 4 hours in today, with both the wheel and regular controller and personally, I like the controller better. The feet pedals slide away from you and just aren't comfortable to use the way our couch sits. If you were thinking of dropping the $120 on the wheel, don't. Game play is super addicting, Im always like, "just one more race" I started off with a second gen eagle talon...all wheel turbo, it makes up for my bad driving:)
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