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Everything posted by DeathSandwich

  1. DeathSandwich


    http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/cnilles/running.gif http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/cnilles/running.gif http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/cnilles/running.gif
  2. DeathSandwich

    50% Grey

    ... i don't get it... hell and heaven were the same thing... ghey
  3. jessica simpson sucks...
  4. graemlins/thatfunny.gif I can only hope you stared at him the entire time pointing and laughing...
  5. amateurs don't use NAWZZZZ... you'll blow yourself to bits!
  6. now my avatar looks all pixelated.. is there a way to unstretch it?? +1
  7. DeathSandwich

    One Time Deal

    damn... that's a good one, knowledge is power...
  8. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gif
  9. yeah it's my first bike(although not the first I've ridden) and hopefully it'll be out soon
  10. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/thatfunny.gif
  11. woot woot, I finally got it... http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/10/web/586000-586999/586214_8_full.jpg http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/10/web/586000-586999/586214_9_full.jpg http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/10/web/586000-586999/586214_10_full.jpg
  12. http://www.gulbransen.net/photos/london/images/18.atheist.jpg
  13. I love stingrays... aweseome car graemlins/thumb.gif
  14. damn... that's the only thing that stopped me from getting FFXI... how much is it?
  15. I assume not, but does this game have an anual fee to play online?
  16. perhaps you can get a different policy that takes coverage off of your ffr for winters, I'm sure that quite a few people on here have them, and can answer some questions... welcome to the board
  17. sorry to hear you crashed, get better soon
  18. that sucks... was it brand new? or new to him?
  19. ... i think he means buying a new bike to learn on... as opposed to buying a used one
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