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  1. Chrome

    6 drink limit

    I just pulled up their website. If it anything like the home page pic you didn't even put a dent in the options they had.
  2. Vice grips ftw. Google it if you don't know what they are. If you still can't do it you need to take it to someone. Nothing worse than snapping one off with the threads in.
  3. My dad puts cardboard under his bike in the winter. It's a Harley though and I think it's just to soak up the dripping oil.
  4. Wasn't telivised with tons of sponsoring and media hype. I don't believe it. Just kidding. That's cool as hell!!
  5. You would probably be surprised of how many people actually take them up on their offers of bs.
  6. Just seems like you were an instigator in the whole situation. If he was tailing you move over and let him by. I'm sure you saw him coming in your mirror, why wouldn't you just get out of his way?? Now your car is jacked and you put many other lives at risk, not just yours and theirs. This could have been a major accident possibly killing someone. Would you still post it if that happened? I think there is another side of the story that we aren't getting.
  7. Didn't seem like you tried to prevent this from happening. Yes he was aggressive, but you know he was coming over after he passed you. GTFO of the way and let him throw his little fit.
  8. This seems to be a common thing with you. Weren't you the one that was on your bike and damn near stopped on the entrance ramp? Maybe you should learn a lesson from your own videos. Quit being a dick to other drivers and get out of the way.
  9. Chrome


    Wanted soooooo bad. Glad it's gone so I can quit dreaming.
  10. Seems pretty similar to this: http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/motorcycle-jackets
  11. Somebody mentioned sandbags, what about filling the cavity of the studs with some sort if sand/crushed stone?
  12. I may have some small items. Levers, kick plates, ect. I'll rummage through the garage tomorrow and pm you.
  13. Track my iPhone app not work?? Or it fell in water and is totally screwed.
  14. If your going to upgrade go 220v. You don't want to restrict yourself if you want/need a larger system.
  15. Cases alone are worth it. Good deal. How do you unlock it to use it with a different carrier?
  16. Sounds like you need something more than a mini-split if you want a wall unit in multiple rooms.
  17. They are the shit as in awesome! Cost is around $4500 installed Cost to run depends on how much you run it. Roughly 20-50$ a month. Lines do run up the exterior but are covered.
  18. Just installed one in a house. They are the shit! Little pricey but well worth it. Kinda like a heat pump system in the winter.
  19. I have a bakflip cover and damn near ripped off the handle because it froze the cover to the tailgate. Thought about the Vaseline last year.
  20. Don't use expandable foam unless you never want to open and close your windows smoothly again.
  21. Chrome


    Sounds like a cheap way to go. If you don't mind me asking what did he charge per square? Removing hat vents and putting on ridge vent is normal these days.
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