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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Yep yep. I love HOT things. I never ordered a place's hottest option anymore because 99% of the time they are just going for hot and the sauce has no flavor. The 2nd th hottest sauce is usually the best way to go IMO. Damn Im getting hungry

  2. Their boneless are realllly good, they are basically chicken tenders tossed in sauce. The tenders are very good quality tho! I think I may get some of those tonight! MmmmMMmmm

  3. Ok, um I need to finish my basement sooner than I thought! Plenty of room for all! We can rotate nights of who gets to sleep with who. It will be great! lolz!

    come on, i offered to do your landscaping and didn't get that offer :(


    Oh, and I may still take ya up on the landscaping offer... :D

  4. HAHA.I hate blue cheese, glad you liked it! I think their sauces are really good. You have to get at least medium tho, the mild is like a weak butter sauce of some kind :dunno: Original extra hot is the way to go!!

  5. Anyone want to play volleyball once or twice a week? There are courts right by Kenny and Lane. It would be nice if we could get around 8 people total. 4 on 4 is best, but if we end up with more thats fine too. Anyone interested? :banana:




    tomato_racing - not till 8 on weekday





    RC51 John




  6. Lets shoot for another good night tomorrow. SONIC BOOM is band. They are actually good. haha. A fellow member, who mostly just posts on the ducati board is the sound engineer for this band. Come out and represent peeps!! :banana:

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