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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. thanks everyone for your support and prayers surgery went fine...no pain...yet...still on the 2 vikatin (sp?) they gave me and have a prescription for oxy cottons (joy) so im gonna get some rest im so drained..again thank you all and ill post up when i can...

    So about 2-3 weeks healing time? I guess I will see you then ;) Save me an oxy codeine too! :lol:

  2. Damn, wow doesnt have the travel channel in HD either. I have to watch bizarre foods in HD. Wow's HD line up isnt so hot, they try to make it seem longer by adding HBO and Cinnemax on there along with other channels i wont get, but im not gonna be buying those so that makes the list even shorter... I am thinkin insight may be the way to go here...

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