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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Anyone around the morse rd and 71 area that is going somewhat early and driving... Yota needs a ride. This extremely hot female said she would take me.... but Im just trying to get there as early as possible. Ill be home around 430-5. Thanks in advance! and no I do not give good road head! :D

  2. Well I orignally was going to get a KTM 85sx, but I decided to go with this cuz of all the work done to it. the KTM was cheaper but I would of had to drop cash to get the susp parts I need, so it ended up being about as much as I would of had to spend if I got the KTM. Plus, this bike is ready to rock!

  3. I'm probably gonna be there... but i'm just gonna throw this out there, I hope the food is better there than it is at the campus location. Me and the co-workers got sick from the food today... it did taste good.

    I ate there and the wings were awesome!! Good sauces and you cant really beat the prices for the event! 99cent tenders! Giggity!

  4. glad you are ok! Remember, the first 24 hours after are the most important to keep ice on that ankle, 10 min on 10 min off. It will help alot with the swelling and heal time! Hope to see ya tonight, id advise ya to not ride considering the weather and your weak ankle. Give it time to heal! :D

  5. OH, and i'm definitely riding tomorrow... riiight after work.

    If you need someone to ride that loaner for you tomorrow, you just let me know. :D I think im off around 3 or 4 at the latest tomorrow! :cool:

  6. Yes, that is my exact bike. The owner of M&M racing is Cam Morehead. He won the 2008nationals on the bike. Cam, tyrce welch, and dave from ohlins all worked on this bike to get it perfect. Tyrce Welch use to build the hayden bros flat track bikes.

    I just hope I can learn how to ride a two stroke fast... I cant blame anything on the bike. haha. Its good to go!

  7. HA, Thats funnny. I have had plenty of friends that are girls and this didnt always happen. You just cant let them walk all over you, EVEN if you think they are hot. And once they realize you think they are hot and will do anything for them, you are in trouble. Its all a fucking bullshit game and I hate it...

  8. awesome!!! and we'll have to trade off u can try my 450 if i can try that little feller out haha

    and why a mini and not a ful size sumo??

    Im gonna race it in the mini class. 450s are stupid fun tho

  9. Looks good, but not sure how a 2 smoke would be as a motard.

    Oh, it will do just fine... Bring gear to CRP when Im there one day and you can ride it. :D

    its a supermoto and mini track....

    either put it in ur list of bikes if u got it or stop talking about it ass haha

    Cool, would this track be open to the public, say maybe to people who have bikes similar to the one pictured above? :lol: See you there



  10. They have a covered 16foot x 16foot stage for the band! :D Also, if anyone knows a band they would like to have play for a bike night, let me know. June and most of july are already booked.

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