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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. i'll be out there, but since i get off work at 7, the only way i'd be able to meet at shell on time would be if i wore my work/dress clothes. i'll just be seeing everyone over at QSL...though i have no idea who any of you are!

    Look for a group of goofy people standing around bullshittin. There will be a pearl white Suzuki and a Yellow Ducati in the group....

  2. the officer's car to hit the civilian's.

    I dont think the bike pushed the car into the others!! they crashed thier own car and its someone elses fault. Sounds like the rider was the one who was in control.

    + 8765746070980-80-890

  3. Kinda local. Ha. He is opening Ducati of Indianapolis and it is scheduled to open in the next month. He is usually up here in C-bus 2-3 times a month. Even if shipping must be used, here and indy are close and both are major cities. 2 day shipping on forks is about 20-30,usually about 25.

  4. There is a great product called por15. You empty the tank and then pour it in and kind of roll the tank around. It makes a new surface on the inside of the tank. I know three people who have used it and no complaints so far. :dunno:

  5. Did you get your suspension sorted out? This isn't the first time that I've heard of Thermosman putting in too soft of springs on his inital try. The good news is that he always stands behind his work with great customer service.

    People need to start using my dood more. He is fucking awesome!!!! He has raced many years in his life- knows what works good and what doesnt. He isnt very expensive compared to some people either.

  6. They dont need to ban sportbikes or change any penalties pertaining to sportbikes... Law enforcement needs to change the way they make decisions on chasing people. True Story, just told! Something like... if I clock this bike and he is going over 115MPH, I am not allowed to chase him cuz it is too dangerous.

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