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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. 99% of posters on this board dont need to waste that $50 bucks to set their suspension because they would never outride the factory junk setting to worry about it.


    Well, if you are a REAL big dood or a real small dood on factory settings, how do you know that the reason you can't ride better isnt because of the shitty suspension setup. If your bike is flopping all over the road everytime you hit, and unstable in turns, then you would prolly be scared shitless to try and push it any harder, wouldnt YOU? I know I would. If you cant trust your bike, how the hell are you gonna get any better???

  2. If I got pulled over and they didn't want to stop, that's fine


    I dont care if I had never seen the person before, I would never leave a fallen rider to burn. Hell I dont care if he just fliped me the bird and called me a pussy at the last traffic light, If someone goes down, you dont leave them for dead. Thats so fucked up. I almost wonder if the other two riders caused/had something to do with the wreck

  3. got it yota!...LOL

    At least someone does.... You know, I think this is whats happening. Everyone on the board recieved an email message about the party. They then decided to log on and check it out, and click straight on this thread without reading the other... and in some cases not even reading this whole thread. Its all gooood tho. Im hoping for a large turn out for the annni party!!! :banana::banana:

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