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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. im not sure but arent ducatti's maintenance whores? thats what I heard...dont really know though. heard something about the valves being adjusted every 3k...i could be off the beaten path here, cuz i heard this years back?input?


    They have improved GREATLY. This is one of the details ducati mentions if you research buying a newer duc. They say they have almost eliminated the need for valve adjustments, on some motors. It did use to be evey 3k and then on some models it is 4,500. If you want the best performance out of anything, 2 wheels or 4, it is going to need adjustments.

  2. I like going to the winking lizard at the begining of each month, and thought I would see if anyone else has been or would want to go. They have a beer of the month, each month a new beer obviously. But anygay, i think it is about $5 depending on how good/hard to find the beer is, and it comes in a glass that you get to keep. They will even wash the glass and put it in a paper bag for you. I like collecting differnt glasses so I always go once a month. The glasses are always different and most of the time really cool. For example, if the beer for the month is Blue Moon, then it will be a blue moon glass.

    I wa thinking about going tonight or tomorrow just for a few drinks and maybe an appeitizer. I go a the beginging of the month cuz they always runout of glasses to give about half way through.

    Here is the beer for Feb.

    http://www.winkinglizard.com/data/conte ... ecials.asp

  3. hookers and blow for everyone!

    [/quote:0dd90] ....


    Cook out and group pic fo sho'! If pops wants to host this it would be in a more comfortable enviroment. We wouldnt have to worry about "park security" giving us shit. I think a lap around 270 would be a good idea also. We could do it every year and make it a traddition. Doesnt have to be a race, just a cruise. This way people who dont want to be involed or around racing wont feel uncomfortable. We want all of the Ohio Riders to be apart of the cruise!!!

  4. I agree with not fucking with machine shop for the rebuild. You can find a used 900 motor ALOT cheaper than trying to build one. Start getting the frame and rest of the bike cleaned up and put together while you are searching for a motor. Lots of salvage places should have one cheap.

  5. Very true! I figured it would be a little too much for the sticker. There is much more room to play on the clothing. I have a few other ideas that could be used for the t-shirts too. You could use the sport bike of the chopper theme.

  6. I will prolly have room in my garage I rent on campus. I am putting a new engine cover on my buddy's bike cuz he laid it down and cracked his. I just need to add oil now and that heap should be outta there. What area are you looking to store it, where do you live??

  7. This may be too much for a simple sticker but, it would be very cool to have the first O in ohio be the back wheel of a bike. The rest of the bike could angle up and be out of the way of the rest of the sticker and it would look like the bike was doing a wheelie. Or it could angle less and be in the backround of the sticker and not be doing a wheelie....

    This may be too much tho for a sticker. I just thought it would make it stand out more and encourage people to put it on their bike :dunno:

    I do like both of Whitney's fonts, wouldnt hurt to look at a few more tho.

    Ok I'm done now! :thefinger:

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