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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. All I want to know is WHAT THE FUCK he was about to do. Seriously!! I hope they get the answer outta him. Or maybe thats just how he rolls :rolleyes: I guess he is just always prepared for when someone pisses him off - This was he can be shot in the chest, think about what weapon he would like to use, and then easily dispose of the body with the hatchet. What a fucking dumbass. This made my morning also! :D
  2. Well it figures that once I fix the wheel bearing and start driving the damn thing something else has to happen...

    1995 Chevy Cavalier 2.3 Quad 4 HO

    I was getting off 71 making the turn and my steering started getting rough to turn. At first I thought it was normal cuz it does have the power assit and sometimes it is wierd when Im not giving it gas. Then I noticed it wasnt going away or the PS wasnt coming back. I started hearing a grinding noise that was in sync with the motor, more rpms faster grinding.

    So I looked under the hood it it seemed the belt was still on and tight but it may have been shaking or doing a wobble type thing. I didnt have long to look at it cuz I had to meet someone. The pully looked o be in tact too. I'm not sure what else unless I just need a new PS pump? Thanks everyone!!

  3. Alright, I'm not trying to sound like a dumbass, but that assembly would not go on last night. I fought with the thing for at least 2 hours. It is in and all three bolt are in as well at the axle nut. It will not spin freely though. I think Im going to have to pull it out and just try putting it in again. Is the new gasket they gave me nessesary? It looks like the grease gaskets i would use on my toyota truck in the front when replacing bearings. The hub is a sealed unit so I figure this little gasket is just to prevent brake dust from getting thrown onto the halfshaft? I think that gasket may be causing it to sit a little crooked so it does not want to spin freely. This was supposed to be something quick. Just my fucking luck to have this thing be a bitch when I am trying to go to the track TONIGHT! :doh:

    Anyone have advice or knowledge of these?

  4. Anyone ever done wheel bearings on a 95 cavalier? Im gonna replace both of them either tonight or tomorrow and Im wondering if it is an assembly type setup or outer and inners??? Trying to figure out how long it is gonna take me. I want to make it out to trails on on friday to get a few runs in. I havent been out since the rebuild. Thanks!
  5. I have to work in the morning but Im gonna try to come down. I'm gonna see if my buddy will let me borrow his Kan a tuna. He just got an older 750 katana. I dont like the paint scheme at all, BUT, I love being on 2 wheels so it doesnt matter. Looking forward to the show and all the :pics:
  6. This is radiation yes, but IF it is non ionizing radiation, which it prolly is, then this amount is so tiny it is not even to consider. Standing by your microwave while you cook a bag of popcorn could be more damaging than this. But I guess we all dont walk around with microwaves in our pockets all day. Meh.
  7. You can put any remote start on a manual car if you bypass the clutch safety switch. Just make sure you always remember to pull the parking brake and NOT leave it in gear. My buddy forgot to leave his car in neutral once and my bike was parked in front of his car. Not a good day. :nono:
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