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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. Sounds like you most likely have a leak in the system. A/C does not consume freon/R134a like a car consumes gasoline. This is what a lot of people think. If the refridgerant is low or empty then you have a leak somewhere. I would definately rule out a leak before a recharge, especially if it is still uses freon and you dont plan on converting it, which you will want to do. Freon is expensive!!
  2. Yep, definatley dont have to show you shit. Oh, and about getting the public defender, thats not gonna work. I do believe, correct me if i'm wrong, you must have a felony charge before the state thinks it is necessary to provide you with defense.

    I would definatley with out a doubt be fighting in this situation. The officer was obviously on a power trip, if this story is in fact truthful. And the fact that she is gonna throw wreckless op out there well that is SIX points. Fuck that!! Go have a consultation with a lawyer and she what it is gonna cost you. It would be worth it. You will spend a little more money on court costs and lawyer fees, but think about the money you will save on insurance if you win!!

  3. If you would like I could give you the number to the animal hospital my girlfriend works at and you could give her a call. I'm not sure on their prices but they do the cremation thing. Or well if youre going to see your vet already then you should get all the info there. But let me know man
  4. She is slammed at work, those pics are just off of her phone. Does your friend need pics of them doing a certain pose or what is wrong with these? I will she what she can do... As far as price goes, the only price is usually the vaccines and spay or neuter.
  5. The calico is a Female for sure. If you ever see a cat with 3 or more colors it is a calico and ALWAYS female. I dont know why but it is. I just asked her about the others so she is gonna check and get back to me.
  6. Pat, I bet you work at Kroger dontcha? I got a Job there when I was 14 cuz they were the only place that would hire a 14 year old. I got outta there as soon as I could tho. The pay sucks and being in the union sucks too. They dont do a damn thing for you at that age except take your money... the little you are making. Arby's hired me in at $8 an hour and it was actually kinda fun wroking there. The food is badass too man.
  7. Okay, here are the babies as promised... :D

    This is two of them. The darker one is a Calico and the other is a light gray Tabby.



    This is a tiger tabby getting some breakfast



    Here is another tiger tabby just chillin. Looks like it just woke up.



    This little guy is mostly black with some white spots.



    And the last lady here is responsible for all these babies. This is the mom. Shes puuurrdy



    Let me know what you think about hem guys. They are not redy to leave the hospital yet but will be soon. They still need to be fixed and have all proper vaccines. THANKS EVERYONE! :grin2:

  8. So wait, im guessing here... So there was a gathering. At this gathering were a bunch of nice cars and people were calling each other out. Then you have the douchebags who were talking shit that their car is better or faster but they would not take it out or do anything to prove it. They continued to talk a bunch of shit to other people to the point that it was REALLY pissing people off and they eventually got into a fight and everyone was kicked off the property? But the best part is they instigated the fight and still got their asses BEAT! Ha... :lol: If I'm correct
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