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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. I am working on gettin a few pictures of her up. Oh and I forgot to mention that she does have one non OEM after labor upgrade. She has been mircochiped. That means if she were ever to run away or get lost you could have her tracked!!! Its a wonderful thing. Thanks everyone!
  2. 1991 Toyota Pickup... 6 lug rims. Rusty, shitty. Twatever.

    Sorry its a long post.....It is quite a long story but I can condense a little. So my truck has been in my dad's rental property Garage for the past year+. Two days before he is selling the place/closing on it, cause the area is so shitty, some 14 year kids do a REAL bang up job on stealing my Much Love YOTA! They broke the back sliding window out and climb through for access. Then they basically ripped out every plastic panel under the dash and tore thee shit outta everything. Broke the steering column, looks like they took a hammer and chissel to the ignition and just basically ruined the whole interior of my truck. Ao anyway they get it out of the garage, which is always shut the tenants did not use it, nad joy ride the truck. They ended up running a red light at what i think was at least 40mph+ due to the damage and hit another car then pushed that car into another truck. So it is totaled, I had a shop do an estimate for when i take the parents to court and it is over 6,000 of damage.

    I put some really nice mudders on her less than 7,500 miles ago and I want to keep the rims and tires. Im not sure but i think most junk/salvage yards require the rims/tires to be on so they can move the vehicle around?? Not sure tho?? So i was wondering if anyone has a spare set or even one 6 lug rim laying around that I could have cheap or be donated. I do have one rim and tire already so I only need 3 more. I can get tires from a buddy that works at a tire shop, used tire bin, but I need the rims. THANKS TO ALL, sorry this is so long.... i could prolly write for days about this cuz I'm so pissed at these inconsiderate ignorant little Fuck sticks!

    614.746.3156-If anyone has any rims or cool ideas to do with this truck cuz I really dont want to junk my YOTA. :(

  3. Hmmm this is interesting. The link to the walmart(in this post, 1st page) where I saw the tube for sale-$499- says the item CAN NOT be found. I was just looking at the link yesterday and it was there. Did they take it off the market already??? Damn Texas people killing themselves and shit and ruining it for the rest of us. JEEEZ!
  4. My girlfriend works at an animal hospital and they often rescue and have to take people's animals away from them. She rescued this puppy about three months ago and has been caring for it since. It is about a year old and a very loving dog that loves to play. She needs a good home and someone who will care for her. She is already spayed, has all her vaccines and is very healthy. She is a mix. She has a little pit bull, some lab and maybe a little beagle. Black and white in color and stands on all fours at about 2 feet. If anyone would be willing to give her a good home it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone is thinking of getting a dog or cat there are always plenty of animals in rescue hospitals and homes that would love to be addopted. Why go to a pet store and pay hundreds to thousands of dollars for an over vaccinated tormented dog when you can get one almost FREE from a shelter or hospital. If anyone wants pics of this puppy or is serious about getting a new best friend give me a call or send me a PM. I appreciate everyone's time. Thanks guys!



  5. Never tried it before, but definatly interested. We should figure out if enough people want it and just buy a case... Might be less expensive. I'm down for a fifth!!! Let us know how that works for you chad!
  6. A katana is definatly a good first bike. Like killjoy said, good riding position. Any 600 is going to be more than enough power for a first time rider. I personally would choose the CBR but it would not be my first bike. I actually owned a Katana as my first and the insurance was very cheap. Progressive charged me about $350-$400 for the year. You should also consider that the Katana is most likely Fuel Injected if its on 02 and the CBR is not.

    Got-busa- You go ahead to a BWM dealer, hop in a 325i, and I will hand you your ass in my Cavalier. :)

  7. That was gonna be my guess, electricty. Those lights require a shit ton of power and the police can and do monitor this. If you're averaging say $100 a month for electric, then all of the sudden you deciede you want to grow and your electric shoots up to $200... hmm busted! Definately a beautiful Setup though!!
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