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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. She finished her last beer right as we left. I dunno might of been less than three hours. I guess We were there about 10:30 to 1ish now that i think about it. Little less than three hours. Oh well. I guess I will just have to see what happens. Thanks John, I really appreciate it!!
  2. I'm not trying to make excusses, and whos being the Fucking Asshole here. I have not said one disrespectful comment. Thanks for throwing your 2 cents in man it did a lot of good. I hope you have fun fucking your hand tonight! :jerkit:
  3. One was taken on the side of the road and one when she got to the station. I'm not sure which one was recorded. Well if they took her in then they are prolly using the Field number. Just sucks that is was .005 high.
  4. So My buddy tried putting a integrator kit on his Ducati 900ss and I think it worked for a few hours then it just took a shit. Now the turn signals dont work, front or back, and the break light stopped working too. All the fuses are good. The running light is on but thats it. Im tired of messing around with it and I REALLY want to ride comfortably with out the worry of this shit not working. I think Im gonna try replacing the flasher box, kinda looks like a Relay box. But if that doesnt work then I was just gonna takeit to the Ducati Dealer on E. Main and say "Here fix this Shit!" Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!


  5. Coming home last night from a buddy's going away party-he is in the Army and has been in Germany for a year and came back to visit for 2 weeks, leaving for germany for another 18months this morning- We are driving south on 71 her in her integra and me on my buddy's Ducati cuz I'm taking care of it for him while he is in Germany. Anyway, I see a cop behind us and then he gets infront of me and puts his lights on to pull her over. she got pulled over right before the N. Broadwaty exit. I pulled off at weber and waited for her to call and ended up waiting a good half hour to learn I needed to pick her up cuz she was charged with an OMVI. Also, he charged her with littering cuz she threw a cig out the window and something like crossing lanes or swerving. Swerving was the initial reason he stopped her.

    She was very very cooperative with the officer and she said he was very nice to her. Even gave her advice and this is the "funny"/ weird part. He straight up told her to plead "not guilty" to the charges and that he would be in the court on the 30th. From what she was telling me, it sounded like he was saying plead not guilty and I will get the judge to charge you on one of the other chrages-littering or swerving/wrecklessness. He didnt straight say this but the way she explained it to me, this is what i got outta it.

    So my question is, they have the proof of the .085 BAC so when she goes to court she said she would feel weird about saying not guilty when they obviously have the proof. I tried explaining to her how the system worked and that if she enters that plea-not guilty- then they will most likely HOPEFULLY try to do a plea bargain and just charge her for the other two offenses, this will save them from doing the long process of a trial. From what the officer told her it sounded like he was going to try and help get the OMVI charge dropped. Thats just what I think anyway. What do you guys think??? Sorry if something sounds confusing. I got NO sleep last night and I had to drop her off at work and still make it to my work by 6:30am. THANKS for all help!! If there arre any questions just ask.

  6. I usually get home from work around 2am. Like you, I cant relax or force myself to goto sleep as soon as I walk through the door. Its impossible for me. The time I usually DO end up falling asleep is before 6am. If I stay awake any longer I start thinking about stuff I could be getting accomplished.


    Either way, to help me fall asleep, Wal-Mart brand Equate Maximum Strength sleep aid liquidcaps. They are 50mg a pop, and your only supposed to take 1 before u attempt to goto sleep. I usually take 2. After about 25mins your golden. They are non-addicting. Give that a try.


    How can you say a sleep aid is non-addicting? Thats is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever heard! So nicotine isnt addicting either is it? Ha.

    Lets say youre tired and you cant go to sleep and you have some of these sleeping pills that youre NOT addicted to right. Well your laying there in your bed or watching TV or whatever and you think, damn, I cant sleep. Hmm... Well its ok I'll just take one of these sleeping aids. Next few nights- same thing. Eventually you will gain a tolerance to these and then youre taking 2X recommended dose, like you are, then it is 3X, then 4x and so on. Even with the Ambien, RX, it can become addictive. This is ok if you want to go that route but I just think it is ridiculous how some people depend on medications. (I'm not saying some meds arent nesessary cuz they are) Next you will be taking the green one to go to sleep, then the red one to wake you up in the morning. I bet your liver and kidneys LOVE you.

    I dont mean to rant, its just what I think about sleeping pills.

    Besides, there is a logical answer to the question of how to fall asleep... Start Clicking the :nws: icons and rub one off! :p

  7. I'm no sure if this would be helpful/faster/easier/ or whatever you wanna call it for anyone else but I like the idea. Would it be possible to have a link at the top that says FORUMS that would go to the the forums home. I know there is the link from the home page on the left side, but I'm talking at the top of the page right now that youre lookin at. Right up by the-- Home Search Memberlist Usergroups Profile You have no new messages -- It would just be nice instead of hitting the back button on the browser. Wait, or maybe I'm just a dumbass and there is a way to do this and I just havent figured it out. Ha. Just a suggestion, if the website software allows for this....??



  8. Holy Shit two of my coworkers just came over cuz I was laughing so hard. I showed them the pics and they would not believe me that it was someone's arm. HAHA. They thought the guy had a sweater on. Not only does this guy save money on heat in the winter but he never has to apply sunblock in the summer. That was a great thread!!!
  9. Does this still apply if it is a serious charge such as a felony? I mean speeding, sure thats a no go. But if you were doing something crazy like and the "unmarked" car saw you and stopped you, would this be acceptable? I remember some hear say about this.
  10. If this is gonna be donated I'd say pull the motor apart bore it and forge it, do it right so you dont have to worry about it exploding i the future. If you can afford it, lots of head work and seriously forge the bottom end. If you do the right head work you could rev it up tp like 13 or 14 ALL DAY LONG and I dont think you would be dissappointed with a 50 shot. That would be plenty of power on a friggin go-kart...? My two copper round flats.
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