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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. sorry bout the suit man but need more details on the shower :D

    Dude, you fucking crack me up!

    Sorry about the suit man... somthing similar happened to my 200+ held gloves... buddies wolf, yes wolf, sot a hold of the one. I ended up sewing it for a repair, but still sucked donkey balls! :(

  2. right, its not the same..its better. wireless controller...faster loading... no cartridges...the list goes on.

    But is it the same controller? I think the N64 controller was the best ever designed controller. I just love how it feels in my hands... (no homo) :D

  3. "He's almost like a feral child," Wallace said.

    I wish I could be a feral child. I too give him credit and I bet my life on the fact that he is prolly a freakin genius!!! There is a fine line between crazy and genius... or something like that.

  4. please google cleveland steamer before suggesting a drink......

    Knowing what it is ... I dont think i would ever drink something that had that in the name...

    and being a bartender... dont think id ever make or server one either...

    You have obviously never been to garage bar. they some some very special shots. Its very entertaining!!!

  5. I have a N64 with expansion pack with 2 controllers, one rumble pack that needs new batteries, one controller pack. Also have a Game Shark for cheat codes.


    Supercross 2000 (MX racing), Tripple Play 2000 (baseball), WWF War Zone, 1080 (snowboarding), Wave Race 64, Turok, Starfox 64, San Francisco RUSH (racing), Super Mario 64, Donkey Kong 64, Resident Evil 2, Top Gear Overdrive (racing).

    I'd like $40 shipped.

    Anyone else that wants one let me know!

    DIBS!!! YESssssss

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