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Posts posted by yotaman88210

  1. So, it's 4pm and we don't know where we are going to be at 7 pm yet? :(

    Hmm... I fear the thread on what to do in February.

    Looks like it will be a looong winter season till I see all my OR peeps again. :mad:


    That will be enough of that attitude!! :)

  2. yeah but you got kevin all riled up... so I blame you!:D between you and mj you had kevin's hormones all over the place....

    Moose, you got me more riled up then the ladies did... I think you were putting something extra special in the drinks :D

  3. Gee fucking thanks for boosting My ego.... so it means nothing that I am there every freaking thursday.... thanks a bunch a-holes!!!:mad:

    You need a tampoooon. and, you know I love you big guy... Or do I just love your Margaritas ? :D

  4. We haz a winnar! Maybe Moose's Koc(k) every few weeks or something, and somewhere different in between?

    Personally, I think a place for next year should be out on the east side of Columbus, more central for most that attend from what I hear...

    It was on the east side this year? :confused:

  5. Hey lets just drop all this lets find a place we can go hang out and have fun! Like MJ said we didn't have fun because we were at BWR its cause of OR. I vote with JJ1 pick a new place every thurs and meet up and have a good time! yes Liz had blonde hair well it was a few colors but blonde was one shorter girl with short hair! Yes very pretty!

    True fucking story! Jesus. Im going to plan anther place for next year. Ive talked to some places already, but this isnt quite the right time of year to be negotiating... I will have much more leverage once it is starting to get warm again. You guys act like we cant do this someplace else. Everything will be fine :)

  6. Yota...yes is was convenient for me. I live 3 miles down the road but i also traveled several times to hooters on rome hilliard which was a 35 minute ride for me. I liked the people that worked there too.

    I liked the people too. BUT, you have to understand that none of this goodness would of ever happened if it wasnt for Ron and I getting together and planning shit out. So why should we give them our business when they fucked him over???? Sorry, not doing it.

  7. Well go there. I dont give a shit, Im not supporting them anymore. This place is also 3minutes from your house sara, so I can understand why you like it ;)

    Either way, Im going to try and find a new place for next year. Thats kinda our thing anyway... new place each year! :D

  8. hrm, well if anyone decides they love to sand wood, let me know. I got my first batch today and will probably be working on them starting tomorrow.

    What the deuce are you talking about? Sanding any gooing hawhat? :confused:

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