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Everything posted by Balian

  1. Up for sale is one fine working Xbox with controller and what not. The other Xbox for sale also works but sometimes wont read some CDs. I am almost positive that it just needs a CD drive replacement. So you can have both for 80 dollars. Recap: 2 Xboxes/TV Cables/ PS Cables 2 Controllers Hit me up for details if interested.
  2. Not me. I have been dieing to find another bike since mine got stolen. Stupid banks don't see eye to eye with me though..
  3. Balian

    White SS

    AHAHA..Off Topic! rofl
  4. Either or it is still the second time I have seen something like this in the past two weeks..lol
  5. Well, couldn't really tell what kind of car it was, but with about 20 cops surrounding it along with the paddy wagon it is a safe bet to say it was a car chase.
  6. So this is two weekends in a row where I have come from the East side to Hilliard only to see a car on the side of the road with about 20 cops behind it. Anyone know anything about this chase/street race bust?
  7. Well replacing the headlight motor is about 10 mins worth of work to replace. I have done them many times. As far as cost, there is a site online that you can use to buy rebuilt headlight motors. I think it was the fierostore.com or something like that. As for this car, this is a great deal as everything can be fixed easy and cheap. bump for a nice car!
  8. I know honda northwest will let you test ride anything that is USED. I went there and test rode an R1.
  9. Oh, screw that...Custom paint that beotch. Chrome paint.
  10. Seriously...What did you say to get him down that much?
  11. Balian

    How prepared are you

    Well me and my two guns are ready for anything that should pop off..
  12. Well only in this situation I would say let her go because of Karma. But yea, that is pretty shitty. No insurance..
  13. Yea, no kidding..Blad luck for yall. rofl Good thing the buell got yanked..I would have gone over with yall..
  14. Cliff notes.. Girl left phone in taxi, someone picked it up. Another girl who either picked it up or stole it was dumb enough to sign into it and now has way to much drama which includes myspace.
  15. Wow, that suck some major balls. Thanks for the info, I will never go down that road!
  16. Yea, I haven't been to WC in a few weeks.. I gotta get out there and race rob sometime.
  17. Woot..I miss all of the good stuff...Watch out yall, I am comming back on the weekends. Going to have to get in for a ride with the crew..
  18. WTF?? This doesn't pertain to my thread. Go postwhore somewhere else.
  19. Um no...One crash and your "nuggets" are gone anyways!
  20. Funny...In this day and age I am surprised he isn't being sued by the attackers!
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