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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. and thats why i have by blazer and my trailer lol
  2. that woould suck though... all that mileage on the rear wheel... say cross country you would damn near have to buy a new tire when ya got there... or get a shitty one before ya left to make the trip
  3. you know there are so many things to be said about this.... and i think you know that.. that being said.. i'll let the masses speak for you
  4. if by interesing you mean flaming homosexual *SPARKLY* then you are correct sir i kid i kid... ok no i dont
  5. ahh man this makes me miss my 97 Tj rig.... sadness... if only i had the cash
  6. its a pyschological thing.. women have a tendency when they do use a gun to commit suicide to shoot themselves in the chest.. they are thinking ahead to when they are being viewed they dont want to look bad...(im not being morbid.. or making a joke)
  7. TwiztedRabbit

    IMG 0349

    you know i just noticed that my poor lil R6 is the only one that isnt a liter bike outta this bunch
  8. yeah its just about 3-3 1/2 from westerville but putnam.. hells yeah
  9. im going to assume he stated the colors that he wanted to go with for a reason.... ya know current gear or his personal preferance... no worriesbud i have started a few for ya.. i'll finish em tomorrow after work
  10. not bad mang... still telling ya need to let theresa wrk on it too
  11. at the time of the FIRST post on this thread..that very post was my 1000th but i have a sneaking suspicion you knew that
  12. i would like to think thats the reason
  13. ok so i just hit my 1000th post... i kno i kno lame but then again.. ive been a member since 2006.. so kinda troll if ya will
  14. thank ya sir!! Rep to you... awww damn cant LOL:rulez:
  15. there was a huge artical in sport rider......... about new vs old riding styles.. old being knee out if not some what exaggerated and the head and back horizontal to the bik head being over the gas tank.. new is the most common riding style witht he body more tucked, head forward under the side of turning and body weight centered with emphasis on the back wheel during the turn
  16. man.. and not for his woman lol he had the bawls to carry it as a CCW
  17. chuck norris first off wouldnt have been stabbed.. but hypothetically speaking if the all mighty Chuck Norris had been stabbed (again no possible but lets just say) he would have pulled out the knife.. heated it up with his laser eyes o death.. caugterized the wound then promptly fileted the guy who stabbed him
  18. yeah we saw it in 2d... over the weekened... amazing.. so yeah after xmas.. it will be 3d!
  19. yeah but we can get them for 150 through other sites.... so just FYI
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