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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. works for me i can always call off a day in the week... fridays are harder than tues-thurs, but im games lets see who's down
  2. i'm down.. we can rent i dont wanna bust my ass aswell as my own shit LOL when ya wanna go
  3. i have an older Trail MB should take up that way!
  4. i had to look it up i found it.. was a great show
  5. holy hell what was that show i remember it but not the name!
  6. ok back on track! this bad boy gets around .002! mpg woot what now..
  7. ive watched em before on tv.. and the atlantis was a 7pm launch that was pretty sweet the sun just going down..
  8. free ride turns into 1500 dollar adventure there and back
  9. yeah its like .5-1 mph with the shuttle on it.. and takes like 8 hrs to get to the pad something like that.. deff cool(never thought i would say something that travels slower then a crawling baby...would be cool), i got to watch the space shuttle atlantis launch when i was down there the first time from across the bay also super cool
  10. yeah i made my first one on geocities too sniffle
  11. leave it to hue to break up a perfectly good pissing match!
  12. haha thats some funny shit right there.. but yeah i lost like 1300 the other day and i dunno how!
  13. its all good i was there with Recon, and cheech for 20-30 mins
  14. that second one he had a sad cuz he dropped his NAWZZZ lol
  15. used to have 1 his name was spike it love to lounge around.. mostly on theresa's neck, unfortunantly he passed away about a yr
  16. TwiztedRabbit

    IMG 2118

    From the album: junk

  17. again i shake my head in shame... of being a browns, indians fan.. yet here i stand inexplicably still dedicated to my teams...
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