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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. From the album: junk

  2. just because you log miles doesnt mean your a great rider.. hell i know tons of people that have over 50k on their bikes and still cant fricken turn.. but thats cool they atleast know how to wear Gear
  3. dooderotomy it totally wont let me rep you again... LOL
  4. dood! i fixed it and sent ya a message saying my bad! it was ment to be pos! and i positived ya too!
  5. Ron way to sweep in and be the EPIC win this thread needed REP to you sir!
  6. here ya go that dude more to barf over.... this was on their site... really adds to the whole picture doesnt it!
  7. it would have to be perfect.... the shadowing on the ground.. her hair waving.. and so forth is SPOT on... and look at the sag in the rear.. the rear of underbelly is actually lower than the front
  8. CHEAP!!? i bet she eats more in an hr than it would cost to put a full air ride system on it!
  9. i shead tears of pain for that poor CBR
  10. all right lets check the basics... from you to my girl.... hum... good arm bend for great control .. check body weight off the side on the bike and forward.. check leg(knee, foot) positioning .. check head down and forward .. check all the nessacary gear just incase ya do go down being so awesome that you are.. check oh and being slower than my chick.. on a bigger bike.... MASSIVE CHECK! :popcorn:
  11. minus the speedo LOL crazy frenchie... that is some serious mad max'ery!
  12. Andre does that really surprise you? HONESTLY?:roll:
  13. yeah yeah yeah! lol jF anytime... so when we hittin some more AO2 !!
  14. holy hell that thing is CLEEEEEEEEAN!!!
  15. i wasnt going for making my story any worse than any one elses i was merely explaining where i was to the question. i know there are many others that much worse...
  16. yeah yeah welll ya didnt HAVE to com F***ker;)
  17. trust me i aint! sucks only having 1 persons income for over 2 months.. and supporting 3 and 2 dogs
  18. it all depends on money i have 130 miles on the tank right now... im supposed to get 125... lol, and im broke.. what does that tell ya
  19. i only noticed it because as i was watching this on here it come on the Tube!!! lol i start 31st
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