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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. roundabouts are actually statistically safer... in the UK and germany in smaller towns thats all they use.. but in the bigger cities.. and in places that aren't used to them or by people that dont understand them.. they are a nightmare
  2. I havent heard anyone being called a BUSTER since before the first Fast n furious .. your like DOM! woo dont mess with her!
  3. so i seriously sat her for 18 mins and watched that and well SCHAWEET i've always like the whole beatbox thing
  4. so we riding later? or ya gonna bitch out again wooo
  5. none of us do.. thats why my happy ass stayed in the shade under my booth lol
  6. we could tell everyonce in a while you just had that the humidity shorted my brain look hehe
  7. yeah the blue wheels steves doesnt they are black with blue wheel tape
  8. "my 911 call is Chambering a round" best line evar!!!!!!!
  9. and hes like 5 foot tall lol jk.. but he's not very tall..
  10. cuz its steve thats why he does all the time lol
  11. i was meaning 3 years ago being the last time i went.. i had been going for 5 yesrs previous to that too.. but yeah
  12. it was, i recognized his helmet and jacket.. and it had a Two brothers exhuast DJisle wasnt, and had blue wheel tape lol
  13. thats sad... i loved it down there 3 years ago is when i was there last.. it was just startin to get bad then
  14. steve rides a 2008 blue zx6r we've known him for years
  15. no that wasnt him.. that was steve chase
  16. im bettin that he wont only because of the shitstorm that will most likely be incurred when his face is shown... people that habitually lie cant stand being outed and usually will aviod the confrontation at all costs..
  17. There is NOTHING wrong with Gir... i love "the doom song"
  18. mine wasnt there but mine says rabbit.. and theresa's (twiztedrrgirl) says rrgrl
  19. Glad everyone had a great time! Twizted visionZ enjoyed DJ'ing, look forward to more
  20. cheech they dont call me twiztedrabbit for nothing
  21. she told me to let ya know she will see ya at the meet n greet
  22. you sure about that? would you cross her?
  23. Theresa to lazy to sign in next to me says she woulda "fucked a dude up"
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