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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. he said there are tons of people with out bikes that are doing this so they are out.. plus its all going to be legal so bike are really out
  2. twiztedrrgirl and i are out to much shit going on friday night and NOW sat morning .as i told cheech on thursday. damn it.. lol next time all!
  3. : mines bigger.... here we go LOL
  4. and the million dollar questions answer is!!!!
  5. haha not gonna get it from mine lol.. she'll just whoop my ass LOL
  6. wasnt making any assumptions.. just jumping in before the gun
  7. i offer the best non biased 3rd party proffessional opinion.. i already have a girl lol.. PM PICS PLEASE so i can redistribute throughout the OR community
  8. welcome.. and let the leg humping begin lol
  9. TwiztedRabbit

    No caption

    i'll take them all.. WHY choose?!
  10. the way it came off was like he was tring to make himself look better... and of course never pay me... he sent me a msg saying essentually hey man i really wanna be the dj for the meet n greet how much will it take to get you to not do it...... nI had a feeling that it was all bs so i told him no... i am doing it for free its no big deal i already have my gear set up and working with jagr so sorry... (in some niver and some not so nice words)
  11. if it was my grandmother.. and she needed to be disaramed i say with out a doubt in my heart or mind that they need to do whatever is nessasary to diffuse the situation from getting her wig split to death.. HOW you ask can i say that... because my grandmother had alzhiemers and when things got bad.. they are bad.. and even if she didnt know what she was doing... things were still dangerous and still needed addressing.... like how i almost broke her arm taking a kitchen knife from her when she was threatingi my father at thanksgiving.. that was fun.. when they are baligerant they are strong... so if my gma would have been in that situation take her down so she doesnt hurt herself or others (rip gma) she passed away 2 months ago...
  12. two diff years and style... djilse 2005 zx6r 636 STevechase 2008 zx6r 600
  13. because we love andy tons and we love giving him shit.. LOTS of shit and hes a really cool dude and takes it in stride and gives it right back yeah i know thatsounded bad.. andy do get to excited on that one
  14. i'll be wearing mine... and theresa will wear hers too lol
  15. NO.... no you cant im sorry.. we dont allow yamaha's on this ride..... oh wait.. SHIT.. oh ok i guess ya can...
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