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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. same with the 2009 r6 it has a very high seat height i am 5-10 and i am on the balls of my feet
  2. to clarify IT WAS NOT HIM at the pig iron people were getting pissed at the wrong person they saw STEVECHASE from here one of my good friends.. talked to him bout it
  3. oh no worries you know me it will be full leathers like always but i cant vouche for being 5 mins late .. women are hard to get up sometimes lol
  4. i agree..9 at iron pony second set of parking.. right behind the middle tree things lol
  5. ok well i meant 2 medics.. lol but yeah that would mean 3 for a fast ride later woo
  6. yeah that will feel great when you catch on accident once.. spec with not gloves jacket or PUCKS!
  7. HUM... Theresa and I might be down with this it depends on how friday night bartending goes.. lol
  8. ugh do we really wanna get into the ima bigger guy so i need a big bike thread shit again
  9. hey carrie you all need to get some our way i see a lot of people that want them and dont get to go to bike nights and well we know how it goes!
  10. oh i know ive spent a lot of time over seas and the drivers/and drivers ED for most other countries is so much better than over here
  11. think of the options . manually take suspect down.. possible injury to both LEO and to suspect. Taze the suspect.. not knowing if elderly suspect has a heart condition or pacemaker.. pt could go into cardiac arrest as well as hurt herself falling from tazer shock. eg. suspect could die and last shot suspect.. always the last resort put could potentially die from wounds to werever the shot is at.pt on blood thinners or just being elderly making her more suceptable to injury. working in the medical field myself.. would you rather tend to a broken bone and bloodtrauma from an impact.. deal with performing CPR (breaks the sternum when done correctly) while waiting for EMS to revive pt if she went into cardiac arrest or needs the paddles.. or well dies from either tazer shock or gun shot? in the end the best for the LEO and the suspect is what was done...
  12. yeah coulda totally been worse way to keep 'er up bro! rep for not dying!
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