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Status Updates posted by AJ

  1. i know your gay paul, now everyone will know if they look at my profile though.
  2. i'm busy for the next few weekends. thanks though.
  3. AJ

    thats not what your mom told me.
  4. AJ

    depends on the weather. if its not going to snow then no because i'm taking the vette to the new owner but if its going to be crappy weather then yes i'll go.
  5. AJ

    when are you guys planning on going to mrm?
  6. AJ

    who else is going?
  7. AJ

    i'm out for this weekend, i have a few other things i need to get done.
  8. AJ

    than it didn't happen.
  9. AJ

    the world can only hope you did.
  10. AJ

    depends, if her last name is keys then its a ftw.
  11. no you don't. i can see all the deleted posts and it shows 302powered deleted them. you fail again lol.
  12. "you made me go an delete all your useless posts :lol: see i have mod powers too" see you did say you did it lol.
  13. not yet, want to buy it?
  14. plus alot of cash haha
  15. AJ

    schumacher 150a here at the house. miller squarewave at the shop i'm involved with.
  16. was looking into something first.
  17. sold them a few months ago.
  18. AHAHAHA it was just to funny not to.
  19. AJ

    need. snowboard.
  20. AJ

    eh. a lot of those snowbunnies look like they landed on their face to save their hot bodies one too many times.
  21. yes its leaving. sad a little but since i have bigger better plans then thats keeping my mind off of it. i'm more excited that the new project is getting started.
  22. AJ

    i am pretty lovable.
  23. yeah. we were wondering why someone would waste money on stock mufflers since there wasn't anything wrong with the other ones a good cleaning couldn't take cars of.
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