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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Need to check the schedule...will let you know. Def interested though
  2. He used a process to increase the oxide layer formed on the aluminum and colored it.
  3. Scraper bika! Oh so hypa! I want my 3 minutes back.
  4. I ran across these while looking for stuff for my 7 year old that is learning to play the drums. Wish I had picked up the drums when I was younger. Travis Barker http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnzXTGn3i58 Cobus Travis Barker & Adrian Young Drum Off 2005
  5. This is just too damn cute... Yeah I know shaddup. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8555201405387684803&hl=en
  6. What if he gets hit by a car riding his bike? What if he gets hurt on his dirtbike? What if he falls down the stairs? Maybe I should never let him outside or even up stairs. Oh man my kids are out at camp this week and there are ravines, wild animals, climbing walls and all sorts of potential for serious injury...maybe I should run out and bring them home. Wow if I would think twice about him doing something as good and important as trying to save or help another even at the risk of injuring himself, I probably shouldn't let him doing anything that just isn't necessary and could possibly result in him (them) getting injured.
  7. and those photos would still not be relevant to the discussion. You're right we could 'what if' all day long.. It's safer to just run away and let them die, you know, just in case.
  8. So you couldn't link real support for your argument so you pulled a photo of a victim that lived (did someone help him?) without a back story. Someone helping another person would be facing an assailant, so you expect a number of defense wounds to areas like face, arms, chest... if he were to get cut up. Cuts only to the back looks like someone was attacked from behind, was running from someone when they got knifed or ended up face down after a struggle before their attacker pulling or using a knife. Then again that guy in the picture could be an attacker that was cut up while he was trying to go after someone else. The point is helping someone who is being attacked. Sure you might get hurt in the process and the guy might be on drugs or out of control mental, but you at least tried to help save someone's life.
  9. What does the front of him look like? Was he saving someone by defending them with his back?
  10. sorry I have no problem faulting these people. Given that there were like 35 other people on the bus and this guy was obviously occupied to some extent with his victim they should have been able to easily distract and disable the attacker. Even my wife when she was 19-20 had the courage to pull her hair spray out of her bag and spray a man in his face that was wildly beating his infant child. She had no training, but she found a way to make him stop while she called for help. My oldest when around the 3rd grade(8 at the time) had no problem taking down a large 13 yo (almost twice his size) who was on top of and pounding on a kid much smaller than he was. Even at that age he didn't hesitate, he saw someone in trouble and helped. There's no excuse when you out number an assailant with those numbers even on a bus. Knife or not, someone or a combination of them had the means to stop him. As for weapons (lethal or otherwise) you should never rely on them. You never count on a baton, cane, knife or gun for self defense. Not enough people train real self defense, adding tools later, after learning and training to deal with situations unarmed. I will add that I have no problems with people carrying CCW in conjunction with this.
  11. Pansies on the bus let him stab the guy over and over in the chest and didn't try to stop him?
  12. that was actually my first thought especially after seeing the traffic they had to get through.
  13. The motorcyclist that instigated/started/caused the chase by fleeing? While I agree that chasing the motorcyclist (any vehicle) for 15 miles through traffic is reckless, there would have been zero risk to anyone if the rider had just pulled over with the cop right behind him. I do think that after a short chase, since there was a ton of traffic, the cop should have called for assistance and let off the chase. That doesn't excuse the asshole rider from being at fault. Not only did he put other people at risk the instant he fled through traffic, he just reinforced the negative stereotype a lot of people have of sportbike riders. Even through that long chase I guarantee not a single cager that was passed thought to themselves, "Asshole cop.", they thought "Asshole motorcyclist, I hope the cop gets him." He didn't hit the rider on purpose and the rider was uninjured.
  14. If you don't have a sense of humor don't try being funny.
  15. Wow like you're title couldn't be anymore bullshit.
  16. I wouldn't feel like an idiot. I've seen some very large, muscle bound guys injure themselves even after being told how to break properly with the right boards. I know of one guy who is quite large that has never been able to break one by punching it straight on. On the other side of that my 7 year old has broken one inch pine more than a few times.
  17. If you take real good care of it you will be back to normal in a couple of weeks with maybe a smidge of soreness as long as it's not too tore up. The worst thing about those is that you use your hand all the time. If you take it easy on it you'll heal pretty quick. Just don't go punching anything else.
  18. Sorry man, but that's kind of funny. Funny like when rednecks backyard wrestle and are amazed when they get hurt smashing chairs over each others heads. I've had sooo many boxers fractures it's not funny, but never from breaking boards and I've gone through thousands. Does suck though. Hope you heal up quick man.
  19. Well that's easy enough, I think we still have one sitting out here at the museum.
  20. Yeah but that's a museum also and it isn't operational.
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