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Everything posted by fusion

  1. lol you know I'm just giving you shit man. So what did you get? The 10R?
  2. New ride? I've been off the forums for a bit. Did you finally dump the Kawi for a real bike?
  3. Yeah I know if there's anything it's usually pretty minor. Just excuses for me not to make the jump. I'm pretty happy with my 600RR.
  4. I'd tow the wife's Kawi like that, but I don't think I would ever do that to mine.
  5. Yeah it looks nice. I'm considering getting it in black this spring. Just waiting to hear more to make sure there aren't a ton of issues with it.
  6. So anyone planning a first weekend out for this spring?
  7. It's entertaining for about one episode. It's friggin 20 minutes until they fight their second round. Stupid friggin rules like no clinching AT ALL. It's meant to keep the action fast, but it's weak.
  8. I read an article somewhere that said the average myspace user was over 32 or something.
  9. Yeah it's fun making her change directions hmmmm spin damn it spin!
  10. Never. I'm still trying to find reverse.
  11. +1 What they're seeing is the backlash from the number of riders constantly running through traffic at a high rate of speed. Some portions of 95 down around Miami are just plain scary enough as it is.
  12. Most people who buy high performance sportbikes as their first bikes never have problems with them. You will hear a lot of people yelling about them though. I think it really depends on the person doing the riding and their mindset. If you can keep a cool head you should be alright. however... First thing you do is sign yourself up for the MSF course. Second, if you want something sporty don't waste your time with something like the 250. Invest in something you can use and enjoy a bit longer like the SV650 or 650R. Not as aggressive as the reg sportbikes. I'm not dogging the 250, it's a good bike, but even my wife passed on getting something that small. If you are looking for a cruiser I'd second (3rd, 4th...) not getting a Harley. My Dad has Suzuki Boulevard I've ridden for about 1000 miles and it's a pretty good bike. Not sure about the others though.
  13. I'm a fan of retesting every so many years. It's amazing how many people on the road just can't drive worth a crap. I had an old lady tell me once that I was hard to see on my bike and I felt a chill. I wonder how she's going to see a little kid that might be on their bicycle or accidentally wander near or into the street if she can't even see me. The highest I have been ticketed for is 87.
  14. Related to some of the threads as of late. A bit about a motorcyclist busted for doing 167. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/O/OH_EXTREME_SPEED_OHOL-?SITE=OHONN&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  15. I'm not even sure what you're talking about. I think you might have gotten a hold of some bad stuff there man.
  16. That's stupid. Show me where I said I never break the law. Now show me where I gave someone a hard time just for bitching about getting a normal ticket. You won't find me doing either. I jumped on the "drunk hunting" bullshit. I jumped on the dumb ass claim that speeding isn't going to kill someone like drunk driving. I jumped on the ridiculous claim that you don't see anything like this in Europe. Reading comprehension will get you a long way. I can see missing a thing or two but damn...
  17. That's awesome. I'll deifnitely shoot the links to you if I can find them or the email he sent me a while back.
  18. A geneticist(sp?). I'll have to find the links again. I lost all my bookmarks when my harddrive died about a month ago. Anyway some of the links talked of 2 sets of remains, one in Asia somewhere and one in Australia I think, that dated 100,000+ years and their DNA placed them outside of the African lineage. So far I think they are the only 2 which is why you don't hear a lot of noise about them. Also, there was an article or 2 on groups of people today that don't have the marker that places them in that lineage. I'm a fan of of the single origin theory myself, but I tend to stay open minded on most things especially when someone can provide something to support it. I talked to this guy for maybe 3 hours and when I got home from my vacation he had emailed me almost a dozen links, that was over a year ago.
  19. Yeah sorry. They've found remains believed to be as old as the oldest found in Africa from a couple of different regions. It's caused a few problem with the theory that modern humans all came from Africa. So that we're clear it's believed the "current evolution" of humans is from african.
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