A geneticist(sp?). I'll have to find the links again. I lost all my bookmarks when my harddrive died about a month ago. Anyway some of the links talked of 2 sets of remains, one in Asia somewhere and one in Australia I think, that dated 100,000+ years and their DNA placed them outside of the African lineage. So far I think they are the only 2 which is why you don't hear a lot of noise about them. Also, there was an article or 2 on groups of people today that don't have the marker that places them in that lineage. I'm a fan of of the single origin theory myself, but I tend to stay open minded on most things especially when someone can provide something to support it. I talked to this guy for maybe 3 hours and when I got home from my vacation he had emailed me almost a dozen links, that was over a year ago.