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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Anonymous is saying it wasn't their main group...this time. Sony says they are taking the extra time to make sure an attack like this one is less likely to happen again.
  2. errr wow... that's just not right.
  3. The UI on the iPad is horrible. I've used both (iOS 4 and Honeycomb) considerably at this point. There's nothing great about a screen full of icons.
  4. There's where I was confused.
  5. I'm confused it looks like every other GSXR I've seen.
  6. Anyone to tell this noob just to twist the frickin' throttle yet?
  7. fusion


    It's alright one day you'll get to take those training wheels off. You just keep at it kid.
  8. fusion


    You just keep clinging to those simple rules created as a guide for school children and basic math. Things get harder when you grow up and have to do grown up math.
  9. fusion


    Except you're wrong. Well it is more like 4th grade math, but the answer is 2, ignoring the fact it isn't well written to begin with of course.
  10. fusion


    You're right as long as you recognize math extends beyond the 8th grade and those rules are guidelines amongst a more complex system making the answer 2.
  11. Sounds like your typical kung fu movie... 'Long Duck Dong travels the land challenging all he can to test his skill and prove he is the ultimate Kung Fu Master.' Makes no sense at all....
  12. Exactly Our office moved downtown next to 5/3 field. I drive 675 -> 75 and through shit into town everyday now. Sucks to ride in.
  13. Come ride in morning traffic with me into downtown, I'm sure you'll pick up a thing or two.
  14. Krav maga is only good if you have decent instructors. A lot seem horrible unfortunately since it is a great defense art. BJJ is horrible for self defense or practical use. You can adapt some things but overall it isn't good for defense training. It's a hell of a workout and a great sport though. Muay thai is only slightly more practical BJJ since you are staying on your feet, but it is also one dimensional. Just like BJJ, hell of a workout and a great sport. An MMA class isn't practical for anything accept a good work out and guys training in BJJ, Muay Thai and that want to practice MMA.
  15. fusion

    My AR Build

    I have too much shit so I won't ride either.
  16. I've seen a dog get bounced out the back of truck riding like that at about 50MPH. It was barely breathing after it stopped bouncing and heard it eventually died from the injuries.
  17. iPhone apps don't let you know what services they are requesting access to before an install? He's talking about the phone it self in any case recording this information...
  18. fusion

    My AR Build

    Well we lack off road guys in our group so we'll have to keep him around at least a little longer.
  19. fusion

    My AR Build

    Looks like we should head out to Spring Valley or somewhere for a day of shooting.
  20. Iraq/Afghanistan, chunks of Medicare spending, and a couple of other items weren't being included under the overall debt calculations. If I get time later I'll see if I can dig up the info.
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