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Everything posted by fusion

  1. fusion


    Yeah we need more Sarah Palins!!!!
  2. There are some great beginners classes out there. Both our boys did First Shots when they were 8 and 13 I think. I also say go for it if the instructor is allowing it.
  3. I'd be down for 9, 40, 380 or 12g.
  4. Today is PicSay Pro. Rio has been been free since it opened.
  5. Just go to the app store and it should be listed there. Logged in it's listed right on the front for me.
  6. fusion

    GoPro 3d....

    That's typical of most 3D systems though...
  7. If we don't ride in it, I may be down.
  8. fusion

    GoPro 3d....

    Expensive compared to what?
  9. About which part? The task killer isn't necessary anymore. We do some mobile app development for fun on the side and the mobile app development guys at the company I work for have verified this. Amazon is making one paid app a day free; some are good, some are meh.
  10. +1 What this guy said...
  11. Yeah skip the task killer, it isn't necessary. After you download the Amazon App store make sure you stop by everyday and get your free app of the day.
  12. I'd do it. Looks like a decent deal and it's in Dayton.
  13. fusion

    M3 Killer

    That's always been my thought. My uncle has more than a few and I've always enjoyed the older ones especially. I just don't think I could ever think of them as anything other than a muscle car.
  14. fusion

    M3 Killer

    Yup just throwing it out there.
  15. fusion

    M3 Killer

    For comparisons sake. They are both pushing about the same HP and torque IIRC.
  16. fusion

    M3 Killer

  17. I tried looking for his info earlier and couldn't find it.
  18. Boogie Boogie Boogie
  19. +1 I don't remember hearing about a Dayton rider wrecking on a CSBA ride.
  20. Other than the fact there's nothing indicating anything like that will happen you mean? Sales aren't as good for you guys if people don't think the sky is falling huh?
  21. Have homework due huh?
  22. Averted what? What is coming? Average inflation rates? Oh scary...
  23. They are already 4.4 in the UK. They were 4 last month. In December their rate was 3.7. Their average for 2010 was 3.5... Moar fear
  24. If the estimated 2.4% this year and 2.1% next year is hyperinflation, just what do you think the average is? http://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/historical-inflation-rates/
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